My friend and I are haunted by a former classmate

My friend and I are haunted by a former classmate
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


My friend and I are 18 years old and went to school together. And also in our class there was a strange girl. She used to be friends with my friend, then they had a fight, and now she's trying to be friends with her again. I would even say that this girl is trying to take my friend away from me. She follows us all the time. We go to the store, whether for a walk, she is right there. And flirts.

My friend and I got tired of it, we once asked her to leave us behind. No results, again follows us and talks incessantly, interferes. She is also angry that we avoid her and do not talk.

Tell me, is it possible to make it fall behind? My friend and I are tired of it.


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