I found erotic illustrations from my son

I found erotic illustrations from my son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our son is 12 years old and is in sixth grade. Recently I was cleaning out his desk and found an album with erotic illustrations. I conducted an interrogation and it turned out that they were now studying Renaissance painting at school and the teacher herself recommended these paintings to them. And the fact that naked men and women are depicted there in depraved poses apparently does not bother her at all.

I don’t remember that in my time we looked at pictures with naked uncles and aunts at school. Even if this is a high art, I believe that at this age it is too early for children to learn this. Especially for boys who already haveproblems from hormonal changes.

Why not include this in the high school curriculum when you get a little smarter? Why provoke a fragile child’s psyche with erotic pictures that teenagers still won’t be able to appreciate?

I remember that during my school years I was not interested in painting at all. And only in adulthood did I start visiting museums and getting aesthetic pleasure from it. And modern children already have completely different interests test-antibiotic.com - who can you force to read books or study painting now? I am sure that these pictures evoke completely different thoughts in them, far from high art.

So maybe you shouldn’t pay so much attention to clarity and not provoke children with images of naked bodies? Just theoretical knowledge is enough, which is unlikely to be useful to them in life anyway.

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