Can't forget my boyfriend

Can't forget my boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It was a long time ago, 10 years ago. I am an exemplary, obedient girl of 19 years old and he is so wrong, with a suspended sentence and a threatening real term ahead. He was 23 at that time. I had a relationship with a young man at that time for a year already. To be honest, I did not look for and did not expect our meeting, but it turned out how it happened. A stormy romance ensued. I melted in his arms, I could not stop looking at him, his smile drove me crazy, but what did he call me! I have never received so much love and tenderness from anyone. He went crazy because I didn’t belong to him completely, he wanted to change everything, turn back time, but it was too late, and I understood that ourlove is doomed.

Our relationship lasted only half a year. And one fine day, realizing that my soul is terminally ill and that there is no more joy in my life from the realization that I will soon lose it, I decided. And when he called me, she simply said - do not come to anymore, and after a pause he said that he understood everything. I will not describe how difficult and painful it was for me at that time. How I lived with the thought of seeing him, hearing his painfully native voice. I could not believe that he hung up the phone and did not come to me anymore. A month later, he began to dream of me. Every night, day after day. I seemed to be going crazy. Having plucked up courage, I came to his mother's house where I found out that he was taken and he was under investigation. He was threatened with jail time.

Gradually, my life began to return to my usual rhythm. But I never forgot it, quite the contrary. I always remembered and remembered with longing about him, about our meetings, about our evenings. I felt like I really loved him. I often thought how things could have been if fate had not separated us.

After 4 years, he sent me a letter in which he called me just as affectionately and tenderly as before. He apologized for the unsolicited visit to, and for not letting me know about himself for so long. They just gave a lot of time, and at the end the address of a strict regime colony. I re-read the letter many times, with tears in my eyes, with pain and longing in my heart. I wrote the answer in each line of the notebook sheet. I described everything that happened in my life without him, and at the end I wrote that he would not write to me anymore, because it was not possible to answer, and that I really believe that when he leaves everything will turn out well for him. I never sent the letter. It hurt me from what I wrote at the end. Because I wanted him to answer! But common sense told me that it’s not worth it, it won’t work, don’t believe, don’t hope.
His letter was still lying in an envelope in my computer desk, and next to it was my answer to him, which was never sent.

It's a strange thing life. After a couple of years, I moved into my apartment with a new boyfriend. A bright future lies ahead. I took all the things from my mother's house and for some reason into my new life - his letter to me and my answer to him. I was fine. I was loved and I, like, as I thought then, too. And suddenly one of the evenings, when a civilmy husband went to bed, I just took out the envelope and again plunged into the past, everything inside ached. Tears rolled down her throat again. On the site where I was registered, I typed his first and last name. And I found it after so long!

In the main photo, he was kissing some girl. Changed, but I recognized him! In a wild fever, I wrote a comment under one of his photos that he has the same charming smile, so familiar and dear. A lot has changed since that day. We exchanged phone numbers and I found out that he was in jail for another 2.5 years. The first time we called, we talked for 16 hours! He didn't want to let me go, and I couldn't believe I could hear him. My relationship with a guy began to crumble like a house of cards, not because I found it, but because I found out about many betrayals of my common-law husband. And everything was so rapidly gaining momentum that I thought it was fate. So that's how it should be! We broke up.

And we talked with him as friends, because this time I tried to suppress in myself everything that was going on in my soul. His relationship with a girl who had been visiting him for a year also ended. He lived only for me, and I already lived only for him. Even though I didn't realize it at the time. For a long time I did not agree to go to him, I could not imagine myself in these terrible places, but my mind left me and I went. I will never forget this meeting day! And then I did not notice how the day turned into a month, a month into a year. He was always with me on the phone, I felt his support in everything, I knew that we would be together! We've been through a lot in 2.5 years. I never spent a single penny on a trip to him, but I went to every month for a long date, I never topped up my phone account, he gave me good gifts for the holidays. He tried to do everything for me so that I was there and waited for him. He called me the same as before, he cherished and cherished me the same way. We talked about the fact that this is fate and everything will be fine with us. We both wanted to have children. In all that time, I never once doubted him. And I really liked that nothing in it has changed. No new tattoos appeared on the body, the vocabulary has not changed.

And then came the long-awaited day. I went to the colony for my release. Although he asked to stay at home. But I went! Then everything was like in a fairy tale. For 2 weeks, he went through all the instances, did all the documents, then immediately found a job. The work was related to furniture, he also knew how to work with wood. He had a five-day work week, but he also went out on Saturdays for double pay. He brought everything home, everything to me, everything to the house. They planned to go to the sea, but I found out that I was pregnant. They canceled the trip, they made repairs at home. I did not believe my happiness, I envied myself. I couldn't breathe on him.

And then I didn’t succeed with the pregnancy, we lost our child. It was a difficult moment in my life, but it was there. He took me to all the hospitals, he was so worried about me and assured me that everything would be fine. We'll try again! And I was waiting, waiting for the moment when it would be possible to try again! We are together! We will succeed! But it didn’t work out: after 4 months he was taken for selling on an especially large scale.

Life has stopped. They just pulled it out of me, pulled it out, ripped it out along with my heart. Today I am 30. I have no family, no children, no loved one next to me. I believed that everything would work out for us, I believed him. I know I'll see him in court again. And this will be the last time. On a date, I saw his tears. I felt,, how tightly he squeezes my hands, how he kisses them and with tears in his eyes asks me for forgiveness for everything, how he whispers with his lips that he loves me very much. I asked only one thing: let me go, please! I need to go ahead.

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