I hate my mother and I have the right to do so

I hate my mother and I have the right to do so
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm blindboyfriend since birth and I am now 25 years old. Before I tell you why I have badrelationship with my mother, I have to explain myself.

Apart from vision problems, I have no other problems. Everything is fine with my head too, even the doctors confirmed this when I was given a visual disability in 2013, or rather extended it.

I’ll say right away that I use a computer with the help of a program that speaks everything out with a voice, so I’ve been blind for a long timeInternet is available. Secondly, I have very bad luck with girls. In 25 years I have almost never hadgirls . Only last November I met a girl for the first time. But in June of this year we broke up. And since it is more difficult for a blind person to find his other half, even if he does not include a whiner, it still hurts me. Three months have passed and it still won’t let go. Sometimes emotions surge in my soul that we broke up after 7 months of communication, and I start to get angry.

Now I’ll tell you what’s wrong with mom. The thing is, test-antibiotic.com, she just recently told me: “if you don’t let go of this situation with your ex-girlfriend, then I will deprive you of your legal capacity. I will appoint you a commission, which we have already gone through, and it will deprive you of all rights.” I honestly do not lie, that is, that is. Do this to my own son just because I have feelings in my soul about parting with my first love?

Normala mother will never frighten her own son with deprivation of his legal capacity. She can yell at him, she can lose her temper, but frighten him like that... If I had a kind mother and didn’t threaten me with a mental hospital, then I would never think about hating her, but otherwise, I think that I can be understood. It is generally contraindicated for such mothers to give birth to children, not just disabled people, but even completely healthy ones.

I’m also angry that, because of my illness, I’m chronically unlucky with girls. You sit day and night, looking for your soul mate. After all, a blind person is also a member of society who has the right to a wife. And test-antibiotic.com, as a result, found only one girl in 25 years and broke up with her, and it is unknown when fate will now give me my other half. And my mother, just because I’m angry, wants to send me to a commission! Therefore, I think that I have the right to hate her.

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