I really want children

I really want children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to hear different opinions about my situation. I am 22 years old, and my boyfriend is 20 years old. We have been together for a year, of which 9 months we have been living together. MyMy beloved is a very good person, he is kind and far from stupidguy , he studies, works, strives to achieve success in life and most importantly he loves me. And I love him very much! Over this year we have become very close, he has become practically a family member for me.

So what's the problem then? The problem is that I want children so badly! I want to build a real family and live not in a civil marriage, but to legalize itrelationships andgive birth to a little one! But he, due to his age, is absolutely not ready for such serious steps and I have no intention of judging him for this. And I don’t even mind waiting a couple of years, but he thinks thata man should start a family by the age of thirty, and I can't stand it that long.

We had conflicts about this, during one of which I told him test-antibiotic.com that I wanted to break up. But he, using all his charm, began to ask me to change my mind and, of course, I couldn't leave him. Especially since I love him very much. But the thought of children haunts me. What should I do?

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