The guy decided to save money on me

The guy decided to save money on me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been dating a guy for six months now. He lives in a rented apartment, and I live in my own, inherited from my grandmother. We decided to live together. But I immediately said that he would pay me half the amount he paid for renting a rented apartment. He was very surprised, saying that this is myapartment , and that he agreed to pay half of the utilities. But I was alarmed that he wasn't even going to pay the utilities in full!

Doesn't he understand that I've renovated my apartment, bought furniture, household appliances, and he's coming to everything ready and even offering to pay half the utilities! I said that he's saving half the amount he paid before if he lives with me. Especially since he has a high salary. ButThe guy replied that he had taken out a lot of loans, so he had the opportunity to pay it off faster.

It’s good that the conversation took place before he moved in with me, otherwise I would have had to kick him out.

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