My father destroyed my faith in men.

My father destroyed my faith in men.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymy father died when I was 7 years old. MyMom was in a pretty severe depression after this event.

The grief subsided,life was getting better. Mom always positioned my father as an exceptional person. A loving father, an educated person, a sensitive comrade. I was only haunted by the memories that occasionally emerged from the subconscious.

My father and I were visiting some woman, my father kissing another woman. Memories of my older sister beating me and how we hid in the dog pen from my drunk father did not give me peace. All this prevented me from living, not allowing the resentment, emotions to live through thatpain that was bursting out.

At 18, I found out that I had a step-mother.sister . My father cheated and how. Wherever he was, he left traces of his betrayal. Later, everything worked out. I met that girl. She justified it so vilelymother , they say, she didn't know that he was married, although she worked with my mother in the same office, in a small town and saw my father with my mother. She knew everything! She also easily retold everything to her daughter about me and my sister, about my father's parents and about everything she knew, and she knew a lot. She justified them with great love, and that if he had not died, he would have left my mother.

But it was all a farce. I found it funny because my mother lived in the middle of nowhere in a village, he was afraid that she would go to the city and someone would tell her about his adventures. He was terribly jealous of her, and when she was diagnosed with an infectious disease and she began to suspect my father, he said that it was because of unclean bed linen on business trips. Everything spoke of his meanness.

Now I have a wonderfulfamily . I have a child andhusband . My husband loves me, earns moneymoney , does not drink. But my father is "perfect" according to my mother, does not let me live. I am afraid that as it is fashionable to say now "I chose a similar one for a father", although I persuade him that they are different people. I always suspect him of something that does not exist. I do not want to compare them. I have a grudge against this hima daughter who considers her mother a saint, irritated at her father who destroyed my faith in men.

I want him to never be my father again. But I don't know how to do it. I feel terrible about myself and everything that happened.

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