Halloween Pie

Halloween Pie
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

As Halloween approached, I remembered a story from five years ago. Then the celebration of this day was not so common, and when Vika's friend suggested celebrating by inviting all my friends to a costume party, I immediately agreed. Since I didn't know much about Halloween at the time, I decided to look it up online to keep up with the others. I learned everything not only about costumes and terrible makeup, but also various signs.

Vika told everyone that everyone's costumes should be kept secret, then it would be a fun surprise to have the same characters. I chose the image of a white angel for myself, simply because it was easy to do, and I didn’t want to do too scary makeup, somehow it was still not familiar to all this. From the Internet, I learned that Halloween comes at midnight and at this time you can guess and a bunch of different signs. I especially liked one, and I decided that I would do as it was written there. I baked a cake in which I baked a ring (I bought cheap jewelry), a coin and a thimble. It is said that whoever finds the ring will soon get married or marry test-antibiotic.com, and whoever finds the thimble will be lonely all his life, and the one who gets the coin will get rich. At that time I was free and also wanted to know how long I would be alone.

There were a variety of characters at the party, but everyone was surprised that my friend and I almost matched the image - I am a white angel, and she is black. I felt somehow uncomfortable, but soon everyone was already having fun with might and main, and so was I. Vika at that time met with the guy Denis, he was also present, together they made him a costume of a fairy-tale prince, which suited him very well. When they decided to take a break from dancing and have a snack, I took out my pie, telling what was in it and what was funny about it. Denis got a ring, and a friend found a thimble. She immediately lost her mood, although we all said that it was just a joke, no signs come true, but the evening was ruined. Soon everyone dispersed, I still tried to calm Vika and ask her for forgiveness, but she told me to leave too.

And five years have passed test-antibiotic.com, and oddly enough, the signs came true. The girl who got a coin in the pie married a wealthy man, though older than her, and went to live abroad. Denis got married six months later, but as you already understood, not my girlfriend. Vika is still alone, she does not communicate with me. By the way, me toonot married , we are both 27 years old. It is very unpleasant for me to remember that evening, I feel guilty before my friend. I don’t know how it happened, because I myself don’t believe in any fortune-telling?

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