Why did my boss do this?

Why did my boss do this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Even before the pandemic, I got a job as a waitress in a restaurant as a part-time job. I'm studying myself. I am 19 years old.

The interview was conducted by the manager. Looks solid and seriousmale , 50-55 years old. Everything went well, I was accepted for a probationary period.

I met a nice guy in a restaurant. He was the head waiter there and should have helped me at first. We exchanged phone numbers and things startedcorrespondence .

I confess honestlyI liked the guy . At first we corresponded about work matters, then the correspondence became personal. I shared photos with him (I’m an amateur photographer) and discussed some topics.

But in real life they hardly communicated. It feels as if he was avoiding me in reality. And he was never alone with me. Always only surrounded by others. This worried me. At the same time, everything was fine in the correspondence.

And once again I tried to talk to the guy in person. But he, promising to wait for me, hid from me and left with friends. Then I wrote to him about this in correspondence, that they don’t do that, and test-antibiotic.com received a rude answer from him.

And after some time he wrote to me on another social network. We met and he told me something that shocked me. It turns out that it was not the guy who corresponded with me, but the manager, but on behalf of this guy.

He gave him access to the account where we corresponded. He said that he could not refuse, since he was very dependent on him. But he didn’t want to deceive me, so he avoided it. He says his conscience does not allow him to remain silent any longer.

I'm shocked. What should I do? I can't find a place for myself. Why should the manager correspond with me? Why on behalf of another person? I don't understand.

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