Why did he treat me so unfairly?

Why did he treat me so unfairly?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Some may find my story funny or absurd, while others may think that this is the most typical injustice and insult to my person.

In principle, I am not a stupid person, I graduated from ped. college with B grades, I did an internship at school and a summer camp, but I didn’t go to work, the time is now, I live in a city where there is no work for “my people”, but for visiting foreigners there is darkness, and for crazymoney , that’s how it is with us.

Get to know the espo, make friends and ask for money for your needs. I've been surviving like this for almost 5 years! This is a decent amount of time, butI still haven’t gotten married , although I’m only 25, and my parents don’t bother me, seeing that there are no applicants.

Since I am an open, simple and honest person, I have always loved communicating with creative people (musicians, singers, DJs). And then, a month ago, that same DJ appeared in my life. He himself is a newcomer, every two months he goes on tour to us and performs at the club. I understood test-antibiotic.com immediately that he had a weakness for the female sex and had nothing against it, well, the guy’s job is like that, where to go? He offered me to live with him, I refused, making it clear that living with a guy for a month without registration and then leaving would be like fornication (I am a believer). We dated for about a month, and finally, after Halloween ended, he got on a plane and flew to his city.

I published a post on the wall, where I expressed gratitude to all the people I met. I wasn't on the list! I am humanproud , she didn’t impose herself, but took it and silently threw it on the blacklist. The next morning he leaves me a text message “why are you doing this to me?” I decided to tell him that the man had humiliated me, in front of the administration of the club where I went for him, in front of my friends who were aware of our relationship with him, in the end, since I am nothing to you, then you will become nothing to me ! He began to make excuses, talk some nonsense, that he was drunk, that he didn’t really remember anything, but I know this noodle, it’s not so easy to make a fool out of me. In the end she wrote to test-antibiotic.com to leave me alone since she doesn’t appreciate me.

The most amazing thing is that after such an act this man became disgusting to me, I was always there, supported him, and he took me and trampled me. I can say from my own bitter experience (and more than one), creative people are the most unreliable! Never meet them! You may ask why I wouldn’t switch to espo? I try, but most of them have wives in their home countries, and the role of a mistress does not last long.

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