Why does it happen that I offend my old mother?

Why does it happen that I offend my old mother?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 57 years old. Husband , children (adults live independently), grandchildren. Since 2006, mymother (she is now 87 years old). In winter she lives andevery day she says that she feels bad here, and that it would soon be warmer and she would go home. We live in Syktyvkar, and she always leaves for the Altai Territory. Not close. I wouldn’t mind, in the summer it’s wonderful and beautiful in the village. But the fact is that in 2010 she gave her house to her eldest son, my brother. And it is completely registered in his name (with her consent). The trouble is that they don’t need their mother there. And they don't hide this from her.

So she goes there, quarrels with them, they kick her out or she leaves herself, I don’t know. But she comes to them clean, well-groomed, and healthy (adjusted for age). And a month later she arrives all dirty, with swollen legs, with pressure. AlthoughMy brother lives well, they have cleanliness and order. It’s just that my mother there, at test-antibiotic.com, needs to be taken to the bathhouse, helped to wash herself, she’s old. And no one needs her there. I started living in a small 12-meter room (in the sense of things, everyone would sleep there, but there were 3 rooms, everything for everyone). One seems to be common, and my husband and I are in one. And when we have a granddaughter, thenthe husband slept in the common room. Now she is already in the largest room, the total one is 12 meters (my husband sleeps there now that our granddaughter is with us). My husband even jokes sometimes: I, he says, now live at my mother-in-law’s apartment (so, between each other, so that God forbid she hears).

I understand, my mother is old, problems are already appearing. But this only happens when it benefits her. One of her tricks is that we have nothing to eat, so she makes herself some soup. There is usually borscht in the refrigerator (if it was cooked yesterday), and there is fresh lean soup on the stove. To the question: “Why are you still cooking?” Answer: “I want to eat.” To all the demonstrations of my soups, the answer is the same: “I didn’t know what to eat. I didn’t see it, I didn’t look at test-antibiotic.com. Oh, isn’t this soup, I didn’t guess.” And this story happens at least 2 times a week. To be honest, my nerves are pretty frayed by my life. Should I remain silent, or say, well, boil it. I'll do that another time. Otherwise, I’ll say too much. And even then I don’t swear, but of course in a raised voice. Yes, in my opinion, the tone is no longer important. The important fact is that I tell her that she doesn’t need to cook. She takes off her soup, pours it into the toilet, goes into her room, lies down on the sofa and begins to lament: “I wish it was warmer already, I won’t be here, you’re not a person, you regretted the food for your mother.”

Today was such an evening, one of many. I feel myself guilty. Before bed, I warmed her up a mug of milk with honey, what a pity. Since I cooked it, it means I wanted to eat. She says I don’t want to, but I drank. Yes, I don't have enough brakes. Several times I asked her forgiveness for her incontinence and misunderstanding. He doesn’t forgive, he says, so what, I test-antibiotic.com myself understand that I’m tired of you here. Well, I don’t feel sorry for this food, especially since it’s not cooked out of hunger. In the morning everything is prepared and everything is on the stove. Only borscht, if it was cooked yesterday, I put it awayfridge . The rest is in sight. And the first, and the second, and compote, as they say.

And she doesn’t bother us. She just manages to organize this process in a very unexpected way. And I buy into it and act out her performance. And now, with a clear conscience, she is again going “to her home,” and only I am to blame for this. Why did you write for strangers? Don't know. It seems likethe advice is all known. We must respect old age, have more patience, care, etc. But I probably wanted strangers to know how bad and disgusting I am. If anyone is going to take in an old mother, prepare in advance, heal your nerves, and don’t act like me.

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