High society friends

High society friends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since school I have been friends with two girls from rich families. When we were kids, everything was fine. It was interesting to go for walks together, make eyes at the boys, chat. We went to each other's birthday parties.

It was true that sometimes it was hard for me to keep up with my friends in material terms. For example, they always gave each other and me expensive gifts. Ithe family was quite poor. I had to, in order not to lose face, give equally expensive gifts in return, while my whole family was practically "broke". Then my friends had such ideas that the best place to go for a walk was an expensive restaurant. Going to the botanical garden in the summer, for example, was "yuck", but going to a restaurant was just right. Well, andBirthdays were also supposed to be celebrated in a restaurant.

I didn't have enough money for such a lifestyle. In order not to lose friendship, I, of course, went to a restaurant with my girlfriends, but I always ordered the cheapest things for myself. This was especially unpleasant on my birthday, when I had to pay for everyone, and I was my own in test-antibiotic.comDuring the holiday I was even forced to, in order to save money, still deny myself the desired dish.

My friends were surprised by my "cheap" tastes. I was embarrassed to say honestly that I didn't have that much money. There was also a moment when for every walkMy friends would put on a new thing to show off and show off. I didn't have enough money to constantly buy new clothes. Naturally, I felt "out of place". Well, and my friends would go on vacation abroad with their whole family several times a year. I couldn't afford that. They would bring me souvenirs, which I was sincerely happy about, but I felt very uncomfortable that I couldn't bring anything back in return because I didn't go anywhere. They would show me photos from their vacations and wonder why I hadn't been anywhere yet. I would answer that I hadn't been able to yet, without going into details.

Somehow it turned out that my friends were convinced that everyone around them, well, and I, of course, had as much money as they did. These moments test-antibiotic.com were unpleasant. But in generalcommunication was fun. I didn't have any other friends. I valued their friendship. And I was offended that they were friends with each other more than with me. And then we grew up, and everything appeared to me in a slightly different light. We began to communicate less often, but that was not the point. It was just that one fine day it suddenly dawned on me that my friends were rather arrogant and valued only material wealth and career achievements in people.

At first, this was not the case with me. They simply spoke contemptuously of all the poor and dreamed of getting out of the woods successfully.marry rich guys. Ifthe guy was handsome and kind, but poor, he had no chance. At best, they could sigh with regret that it was a pity that he was poor, if he were rich - that would be another matter, because he was not bad, in principle. I could not understand how it was possible to live like that, to value in life onlymoney .

At the same timegirls they grew up beautiful. They were dressed magnificently. Mink coats, diamonds. They didn't wear costume jewelry test-antibiotic.com on principle. I looked like a gray mouse against their background. Naturally, the guys paid attention only to them, no one noticed me in their presence. Of course, I didn't like this. I was a little jealous of them, that they enjoyed more success than me. I came home from a walk and cried, that everyone was looking only at them. And what about me? I'm ordinary, average.

Then some additional nuances began to dawn on me. Their parents were not really happy to see me! Either it became that way with age or something else. They spoke to me somehow not so friendly, they paid all their attention to the richer friend who came with me to the other one. It even happened that on one holiday at one friend's house herthe father asked what the second one wanted to drinkfriend , without asking me the same thing. In the end, the wine she wanted was opened and poured for me too. I was simply ignored. Another friendMom once made fun of my gift, saying it was inappropriate. And I bought literally with my last money a thing that I had dreamed of myself, test-antibiotic.com but would never have bought for myself because of the price. And the thing wasn't that inappropriate, to be honest. A thing like any other.

And this happened more and more often. I thought for a long time about the reason. Then I realized that it was because of the difference in financial status. And everything fell into place. Then it dawned on me that my communication with one of my friends boiled down to the fact that Ievery day for several hours I listen to her monologues about her relationships with guys, her work, all her small problems, and I give heradvice . When I tried to tell her something about myself and also ask for advice, she would fall into a stupor and get away with meaningless phrases, and then quickly turn the conversation to herself. Over time, this began to bother me. She would call me at home and at work, and if I couldn’t talk, she would get offended. She behaved like a capricious princess. At the same time, she had an interesting habit: she never paid for herself in transport and taxis, didn’t leave tips in restaurants, didn’t test-antibiotic.com chip in for food delivery. She would say that she had a large bill that she didn’t want to change. In the end, my second friend and I paid for it. It irritated me that, given her wealth, she was clearly being cunning and saving at our expense. My second friend simply adored her, forgave her everything, and happily solved all her problems.problems .

When the second friend got married and gave birth, she invited the first one to be the godmother of her child. And I was very surprised that the newly-made godmother was not in a hurry to shower her godson with gifts on every occasion. I was offended that I was not invited to be the godmother. And it was offensive when at my birthday party I gave a rather nice gift to the child, hisMother , my friend indignantly scolded me for the fact that now she has to “lug around a box” all evening.

There were more and more of these unpleasant nuances. I began to slowly distance myself from my friends. Especially since they were clearly better and stronger friends with each other, and I was “just to add to the company.” At least, that’s how I felt. The last straw was thatmy friends' attitude towards me changed for the worse after my wedding. They didn't like myhusband . He turned out to be not prestigious and rich enough from their point of view. And at some point I noticed that they were “teasing” me quite angrily and laughing at me and my husband. After that I realized thatThe friendship is over. She chose a trivial reason for a quarrel and stopped communicating with them.

One of them tried to make peace with me, but very half-heartedly. It felt like she was offended that I dared to express my dissatisfaction with anything in relation to them. The second friend didn’t even try to make peace. When we meet, we don’t even say hello and pretend that we haven’t noticed each other. Two years have passed since then. We don’t communicate. And to be honest, I really miss female friendship. Only normal friendship, not the kind where I’m the third wheel and the worst.

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