After working as a salesperson, I realized why they sometimes respond rudely to us.

After working as a salesperson, I realized why they sometimes respond rudely to us.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


It so happened that when I went on maternity leave, I lost my job. Before that, I was warned that the company would not wait for me for more than six months, and then they would take another specialist in my place. I thought I could get out, leaving the child with my mother, who promised to help, but when it came down to it, she said that she did not want to quit her job because she had a small pension.

Her son was often sick, and therefore she did not want to take a nanny, and her services cost a lot, so there was no point in giving almost her entire salary. And I decided that I would sit with the child myself, and then I would find a job. But in reality it turned out that it was not so simple, either the schedule did not suit me, or it was very far from home, or I no longer built an employer as a specialist.

And just then a neighbor said that there is a place for a sportswear seller in a large store. This, of course, was not what I needed, but after looking for a job, I decided that while I would work there, and at the same time I would look for a job in my specialty.

After working in the office, at first it was difficult for me to get used to completely different responsibilities, and especially to customers. During the day, different people came, communication with whom was sometimes so tiring that I thought of quitting everything, but I was only held back by the fact that there was no other income yet.

The bulk of the buyers were without any special requirements, but sometimes it took a lot of time and effort for one person. One day I camethe girl tried on several blouses, asking where the product came from, what discounts, what color suits her best. At the same time, she told about all her affairs and friends, for whom she tried with the choice of a blouse. “To envy,” she said, but after an hour of fitting, she didn’t buy anything.

But during this time that I gave her all my attention, two customers left without waiting for me to serve them. The owner of the store noticed this and, having made a remark to me, asked me not to go to work anymore. I'm not offended, I understand that I failed. After that, I already found a job at, but I still try not to burden the seller with unnecessary information and whims. I know for myself that it is very difficult to serve people with different upbringing and character all day long.


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