After my divorce from my husband, my son stopped listening to me

After my divorce from my husband, my son stopped listening to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After the divorce, I am raising my son alone, now he is 10 years old, at the time of the divorce he was three. Denis communicates with his father regularly, but I see that he is not an authority for his son. I thought it was because he doesn’t live with us, although beforetheir relationship was more trusting. I decided to talk to my ex-husband about this, it turned out that he began to often talk about his two-year-old son, so that Denya would get used to what he hasBrother . But everything turned out just the opposite, my son gotjealousy of that boyhis father lives with him.

In a new familyour common husbandson never was thoughmy husband insisted that this was normal, I categorically forbade it. I don’t know his wife, we didn’t divorce because of her and I don’t blame her for anything, but I don’t feel comfortable that my son will be visiting their family. As it turned out, I was right, he was sensitive to the fact that his dad has another son besides him, and it turns out that he is closer and dearer to him, since he lives with him. I tried to explain to my son that this is normal, that dad loves both children, even if he does not live together, but my son became irritable, disobedient, and began to be rude to me. He and I always had normal, even friendly relations, my son shared everything with me, I couldn’t even think that he would change so much.

To all this, games on the computer have also been added, less time is being devoted to lessons, and my son is not very responsive to my comments. It got to the point that I yelled at him, said that I forbid him to sit at the computer until he did his homework, but he did not listen, and in the end, as punishment, I forbade him to use the computer. Denis defiantly does not talk to me, refuses dinner in order to hurt me. My son sees that I am suffering from this attitude, but continues to ignore me and my requests.

I often think that if we had a normalfamily , and it didn’t come to a divorce, would Denis have done this to his father? Or is it age, or a protest against the fact that he lives in a single-parent family? I'm afraid to get married so that my son doesn't have a stepfather. But maybe this is just the way out, he will have a father, even if not his own?

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