After the divorce, I leave the son to his father

After the divorce, I leave the son to his father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Lived with my husband for 7 years. There is a common son, he is 4 years old. My husband had a sudden accident at . He was going to divorce and live with her.

He said that I should move out with the children (I also have an olderdaughter not from him) from our common apartment, acquired in marriage, to my small premarital apartment, which we rented, and he will “help whenever possible”.

I answered this way: “you fell in love with another, I don’t mind, anything can happen, but there are and remain children, parents in our country have equal rights and obligations. I will not share the apartment, although I have the right. My daughter and I will leave, but the son will stay with you. You will bring him up yourself, and I will pay alimony, as expected, see him and take him "if possible."

The husband is shocked. How so! I don’t have time, I work, I can’t, I don’t know how, the children have to live with their mother. The mistress, too, was frightened by such a prospect. Everyone around is also in shock, even my parents. Like, this is cruel and wrong, they condemn me. is not about revenge and resentment. It’s just that I don’t want to pull two children alone, living with them at 17 meters. I also work and I don't have time either. Moreover, I believe that the boy needs a male upbringing. He asked for a common child, loves him. So what's the problem? Tired of double standards!

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