Am I doing the right thing towards my husband?

Am I doing the right thing towards my husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Ira, I am 29 years old. I have been married to my husband for more than 5 years. I would like to ask all of you for advice on whether I am doing the right thing towards my spouse.

He and I are currently in a quarrel. There was no quarrel as such, but I do not agree with the opinionhusband on one very important issue for me. I don’t want to write about the problem itself, but this is really very important for me and for our family as a whole. MyMy husband promised to solve this problem six months ago. After talking with him, I decided to give him time and not pester him with questions. Six months have passed since then. The husband forgot his decision or, most likely, pretends that he forgot in order not to do anything.

My request remains unresolved, the problem still exists. I tactfully remind my husband about this, because so much time has passed: “why haven’t you decided on this yet, because I asked you?” In response I hear again: “later, later.” I'm starting to get angry why he simply ignores what I ask (and I ask for something very rarely), and although I love him very much, I can no longer tolerate the fact that my request is ignored. Moreover, so much time has already passed.

I want to know the opinion of strangers, what is the right thing to do? I love my husband , but because of everything that’s happening, I can’t psychologically transgress myself, I can’t rebuild and become close with him againrelationships as before. I believe that it is impossible to simply do this mechanically, without feelings and respect.

Is it possible to temporarily deny intimacy to my husband until everything settles down and until he solves this problem?

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