Parents don’t want to work, but live at our expense

Parents don’t want to work, but live at our expense
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married early, at 18, and at 19 I gave birth to my first daughter. MyMy husband is not from our city, he doesn’t have his own home, so they started living with my parents. In those days they had a 2-room apartmentthe apartment in which we all lived, and there was also a one-room apartment, my grandmother lived there, then she later moved in with her son.

My daughter was then 5 months old when I decided to talk to my parents so that they would allow us to move into this apartment. What is myMom refused, saying that they decided to change the 2-room and 1-room apartments, and buy a 3-room apartment and a dacha. They began to persuade me that it was easier to live with my mother, that my mother would always help, etc. Due to my age or my stupidity, of course, I agreed. She even persuaded her husband, who insisted on moving even to a rented apartment. Well, what's done is done.

When the whole process of exchanging apartments was over, my mother was laid off from work. Only the couple and the husband worked. There was enough money. Then we all moved to a new apartment, there was a lot of joy. Everyone has their own room, my husband and I have our parents and our daughter. Repair and all the hassle. So another 6 months passed. When all this settled down, it became clear that my mother was not going to get a job, she said that she would look after her daughter, and that I should go to work. I agreed. I entered the institute for sharpening and went to work. She was sitting at home with her daughter.

I must say that we were given kindergarten late, when our daughter was 5 years old. All this time she was with her grandmother. I am very grateful to my mother for this. Due to my work and my husband’s work, we practically only came home to spend the night. My husband was angry that I wasn’t the one looking after the child; he kept telling me that he could support both me and my daughter. I seemed to agree, but my mother stubbornly said that I had to work. I must also say that I gave my entire salary to her. Because she said that her daughter needs this, her daughter needs that. Although we went to the store on weekends, stocked up on groceries and bought everything for our daughter.

Everything would have been fine, but then I accidentally overheard a conversation between my mother and her friends, where she was telling how she provides for my daughter, buys her everything, clothes her, feeds the whole family. To which her friends exclaimed, what about the young people, they work, they don’t provide for their child at all, my mother said that we earn little and can’t do anything. By the way, my and my husband’s salaries are good. We paid all expenses in full, including utilities.

I swallowed it all, I didn’tswear and prove that this is not true. I'm not a conflict person. When my daughter was given kindergarten and I graduated from college, the whole story repeated itself, only they added the cost of college, saying that my parents supposedly paid for my studies. Although my husband paid for all my studies. I said nothing again. Now my daughter is 10 years old, a year ago we had a son. I'm on maternity leave. My mother does not work (I forgot to mention that she is not a pensioner, she is only 53 years old). Dad doesn’t work now either (he’s 54 and also not retired). And it turns out that my husband works alone. My mother keeps pushing me to work, but my husband won’t let me. He says stay at home with the children.

The most annoying thing is that my mother doesn’t want to work or help with the children, but she tells all her friends how she provides for us all and does everything around the house. Apparently I just lie around all day. My grandmother constantly tells my mother: “go and work.” But my mother’s blood pressure immediately begins to rise, everything immediately hurts and nothing works. She started reproaching my husband for not earning enough, but let him carry it all alone.

He suggests that I either move into a rented apartment or take out a mortgage to get away from my parents. I want it in the fall, but how can I leave my non-working parents, they raised me. So it turns out to be some kind of vicious circle. There is no strength to live together, and it is scary to leave them without money. And I don’t even know what to do. Conflicts are constant.

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