Victim Syndrome

Victim Syndrome
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I lived in such hell for almost three years as the author of a story about a jealous and cruel husband. I wanted to leave, but I realized that I was expecting a child. I wanted to have an abortion, he said that he would destroy me if I did. AllI spent my pregnancy in fear, pain and resentment. Jealousy for no reason, she walked around covered in bruises. He said that as soon as I gave birth, he would take the baby, and I could go to hell. It was scary, but I had been out of work for 6 months and couldn’t find a job anywhere. I worked for up to 6 months, but had to leave because it was already physically difficult.

Borndaughter , I’ve been bullied for a year and a half. Only the child had a cold, I got it. He didn't understand that children sometimes get sick and it's not minewine _ I remember I was in the hospital with my daughter, I came home to get the things I needed in the hospital, and he kicked me so hard that I couldn’t sit or walk. Bruise from size 45 leg in the thigh area.

My patience ran out when he started yelling at the child, and I realized that he was using drugs. I started calling women’s help centers to find out how I could protect myself and my child if he found me and wanted me.return . I wrote a statement to the police, removed all the beatings that happened at that time, there wascourt , and he was forbidden to approach me and the child.

Victim syndrome? Yes. I am a psychologist by training, but I couldn’t help myself! My conscience tormented me thatthe child will be without a father. I even returned back to him, we lived for 2 months, I signed up for courses and had to go to another city that day. He hid my documents, hit me again, I took the child and ran away. I didn’t take anything, I didn’t take anything. I took courses, received a grant and opened my own business. Six months ago I met a man who fell in love with me and the child very much. I was very cautious, I didn’t believe it, I was scared to make a mistake again. But only now I realized that I can be respected, trusted, loved, without dirt and jealousy, without a hint ofpain and suffering.

Now I am happy that I have a person who is with me not only when everything is good, but also in difficult moments, will always support and come tohelp . My only regret is that I didn’t leave earlier and allowed myself to be treated this way.

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