My boyfriend's strange behavior on a date

My boyfriend's strange behavior on a date
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 19 years old. And I'm here to get advice and hear an outside opinion about my situation.

A year ago I fell in love. At first glance and very strongly. To complete the story, I’ll clarify that I’ve known the guy since 2017, he noticed me, wrote on social networks, and we talked a little. There was flirting on his part even then, but I was petty and did not reciprocate, and besides, I had not seen him in my life at that time (he noticed me, and I only clarified in correspondence and realized that we had crossed paths in person). Thencommunication came to naught and until 2021 we did not see each other and did not communicate (we were simply subscribed to each other).

And then a year ago we crossed paths again. I fell in love at first sight. We talked a little, went for a walk once. There was a spark between us, but he didn’t take much action. Soon after our meeting, he went abroad for six months. All this time we somehow communicated. There was flirtingThe correspondence was clearly not friendly. But again there was no action. All this time I was waiting for the meeting and thought that something good would happen. I continued to like him, and I felt reciprocity.

He returned to the country. We crossed paths at a common event (that is, we didn’t agree on a meeting, but we just happened to cross paths). Everything was very strange, because we communicated, but purely as friends. We talked a little on a general topic, but it was an ordinary dialogue. I was upset. I didn’t understand what was wrong, because we were clearly not friends, but he didn’t take any action. For a month he did not appear in my life at all. I continued to like him, but I thought nothing would work out. I also talked to other guys and took care of business. All this time I thought that we would end up together.

And so he wrote. It was unexpected. I already thought there would be a dialogue about nothing again, but he was somehow persistently interested in my life and plans. A few days later I wrote more. And then the circumstances turned out to be such that we were traveling to the same city on business,, and he offered to live together. I was shocked! Naturally pleasant. I thought about this proposal and realized that if I didn’t agree, I would regret it very much.

This day came. We spent the evening together, went to a restaurant, walked and came back to the hotel. Everything went as it should, we lay, watched a movie, then talked, then lay in an embrace. It took him a long time to decide, and it seemed to me that he was a little timid, but in the end we kissed. I understood that he was excited, but I definitely didn’t want to sleep with him that night. Not to say that I’m somehow untouchable, but this was all a first for me, and I didn’t want to sleep with him that night. That is, I wanted to quitrelationships and then everything else. And he didn’t ask anything aboutsex and did not bother, not counting hugs. After kissing, we fell asleep hugging each other.

The next day there were things to do. In the evening, tired, we returned to the hotel. While I was in the shower, he just lay down and fell asleep. He didn’t even try to take the initiative, do something, hug, kiss. The next day we were busy, and in the evening he said that he had to leave. I was terrified. He silently packed his things, we hugged goodbye and he left. He paid for the room for another day, since I was supposed to stay until the morning, but I left immediately after him, because I was so stressed and could not be in this hotel alone.

That same evening I wrote to him asking what it was and why all this. He ignored her for a day, then replied that there was no point in staying and he had other things to do. I replied that that’s not the point, he really needed to leave, but not in silence. He ignored my message and didn't write anything else.

I was under extreme stress. I thought after the first night that everything was going well, everything was fine. But in the end... Moreover, after these events he did not unfollow on Instagram, although he did not watch all the stories and did not like some of the photos. But he followed me, because when I unsubscribed from him, literally 2 days later he also unsubscribed.

We haven't met in 3 months. I felt bad all this time. Sometimes it felt better, but in fact I can’t understand what happened and why and I can’t let him go. I still like him and my brain still thinks the relationship will work out.

We recently crossed paths by chance. We were in the same place. It seemed to me that he was avoiding me, as if he was afraid. He didn’t say hello to me, but he said hello to my dad, he was sad and busy.

That's my whole story. I'm sufferingevery day , I don’t understand what happened. And I will not let this story go until I find out what could have happened.

I was advised to write to him and invite him to meet and talk, but I don’t have the courage. Because by writing, I will show him that I still care and want to be with him. I don’t know how he will react, what he feels and thinks about everything that happened between us. I don’t want to hurt myself even more, but I can’t live like this anymore. There will be no further relationship with until this story ends.

If anyone can find an explanation for all this, I will be grateful. Thank you.

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