Tired of loneliness and quarantine

Tired of loneliness and quarantine
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m an ordinary person, I’m 21 years old, I’m preparing to take my diploma, I’m sitting at home like most people, since the situation in the world is appropriate. I live alone now. And to be honest, I’m tired of this quarantine only because I was working, and now I’m left to my own devices and I’m very depressedloneliness . I’ve already tried so many things - online dating, working from home, and reading books. During a month of quarantine, I learned Spanish. Languages ​​have always been easy for me. In general, the point is not in loneliness itself, but in the fact that people somehow run away from me, I’ve been delving into myself for so long, but apparently I’m doing something wrong, and no one on the outside is telling me this . Everyone says that I am a good friend and conversationalist, but sooncommunication fades away.

I have already read so many books, in practice everything remains the same. I encourage myself that these people are simply not needed in my life and therefore leave on their own, but this does not make it any easier. The only salvation for me was work, test-antibiotic.com to which I devoted myself completely, and this helped fight loneliness, but the situation now is simply destroying, maybe it’s just not my time, and I should be alone for now. I don’t even know anymore, but I don’t lose faith that everything will get better someday. But now it's quite difficult, hence myconfession _

I would be glad for practical advice or support, since I lack it now. It may be wrong that I am telling all this, it may show me from the weaker side, but I really needhelp , and I will be glad for any advice. Finally, I want to say, I think many will agree with me, that sometimes we all feel bad, but we must not give up and look for a solution, which is what I did. In general, the world is full of anger and cruelty now, be kinder to each other and treat each other with understanding.

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