Tired of grandchildren

Tired of grandchildren
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Daughter gave birth to her first child at the age of 28. My husband and I already thought that we wouldn’t have grandchildren. Now she is already on her fourthchild, and I’m already tired of grandchildren (we live together). It's very difficult with them all day. Firstly, they don’t eat everything; they need to cook especially. Secondly, we still need to put them to bed, and also help them with their homework, and do additional tests.

My daughter went to work, my son-in-law and myhusband also work, and the whole house is on me. I already regret that I agreed to this and quit without working until retirement. Grandmothers also need rest, peace, their own series, programs, and sometimes they need to be interested in politics and the international situation. And here there’s not even time to rest.

In the morning you have to get up early to feed everyone breakfast. Seniorsdaughter drops her off at school and kindergarten on the way to work, and I stay with my youngest. He is only two years old and I get very tired of him. But you still need to have time to walk outside with him, cook dinner for everyone, clean up...

I offered to hire a nanny for my daughter, test-antibiotic.com, and I would go to work and help with money. But she was offended and accused me of not loving my grandchildren. The son-in-law's parents love their grandchildren from a distance, they will come to visit once a month, bringfruit and that’s it. For some reason there are no complaints about them.

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