Tired of waiting for a proposal from a guy

Tired of waiting for a proposal from a guy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 21, he's 26. We've been dating for 3.5 years now, and I can't wait for him to propose. We have already talked about this topic. He answered me: “We are already good together, why do we need this stamp in the passport? We have the bestrelationship - they wanted it, they separated without any divorces.” He puts his friend, whose marriage is not going so smoothly, as an example and says that he doesn’t want to make mistakes.

We've been living together for 1.5 years, and sometimes I get so depressed, but I can't explain to him what I've been wanting for a long time.marriage and family. Everyone already considers us family and asks questions: “When will you get married?” But I have nothing to answer, I’m even a little ashamed that we just live without marriage.

And it seems to me that I’m just wasting time, and I can’t wait to get an offer. I forgot to add that at the beginning of the relationship he pestered me for not being my first. Maybe this also affects marriage? But he claims test-antibiotic.com that we will get married someday, but this has been delayed for some reason. But I know for sure that he loves me very much and this is really so. As do I him.

What should I do, run away or continue this relationship?

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