I want to divorce my husband before I have children

I want to divorce my husband before I have children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

II've been married for 4 years, I live with my husband in his country, with his relatives. Mine are far away and I only contact them throughsocial networks and Skype. Accordingly, I don’t want to burden them with any problems of family life, I don’t want them to worry and fret.

MyMy husband likes to drink, he doesn't drink often, but if he does, he drinks until he's done. Lately, he's become aggressive, especially if you tell him something that he doesn't like. He doesn't raise his hand, but if, say, you tell him to stop drinking, he starts shouting: "I do what I want, don't tell me what to do."

The eternal excuse is that he works, does everything for the house and he is a good guy, but I do not appreciate him. Although I also work, I also help with shopping and repairs. We do not have children, but I began to think about how all this will be and whether this drunkenness will ever end. I do not want to sit with a child and listen to his complaints and smell this smellalcohol .

Today after he got drunkwine with a friend, test-antibiotic.com he bought morebeer . I took the bottle and said I would pour it out, to which I was sent far away. I returned the bottle, after which he broke the glass, and everything was on the laminate. I asked him to remove it, since it could swell later due to moisture, to which I received the answer that he would do nothing and he didn’t care, he sat further with a friend playing PlayStation. I simply lost my temper, came up and turned off this game, to which I heard what a creature I was, and how hewill ruin life . He left home with a friend.

I don't know what to do. I have no one to go to, he is a good man and a husband when he is sober, but he likes to drink and these couple of days a month bring me to hysterics and each time the thought of divorce comes more and more. But then he apologizes and says that he will not drink like that, but it is still the same, I can't keep silent and not attach such importance to it. And I can't come to terms with the fact that a bottle of beer could provoke such a scandal.

I am writing to this site because I have no one else to turn to and perhaps an outside perspective will help me in some way.

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