I will never allow anyone to ignore my opinion again.

I will never allow anyone to ignore my opinion again.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's been four long years since I wrote my story about my mother-in-law and sister.husband . Hard and terrible 4 years!

Now I have absolutely none of the problems that tormented me for such a long time. My mother's illness and death, the war put everything in its place. Life showed who is who. I no longer communicate with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and have forbidden them to come to my house for almost three years now. My husband himself visits them periodically and communicates on the phone.

It all started with my mother's illness, she had oncology. I tried to pull my mother through for a year and a half. Hospitals, operations, radiation, chemotherapy. Everything was like a nightmare. My mother-in-law was only worried about how much money it would cost, and my sister-in-law even said that if she had oncology, she would not have been treated, because againmoney . To which I responded that my money was mine, I earned it, they have nothing to do with it.relationships . And it is not for them to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't.

There were many insults and scandals were not avoided. test-antibiotic.com I heard from my mother-in-law how badly I influence my husband, well, of course, I blocked the financial flow for a year and a half, and with the advent of the war, maybe forever. I buried my mother on the tenth day of the war under the bombing. My husband's sister did not even call. We live in a frontline city and for the first ten months we were bombedevery day , it's easier now.

From the first day of the war, my husband and I were left without work. Five months later, I found a job and support the family as best I can. But now I don’t allow anyone to ignore my opinion and sit on my neck. Life is short and was not given to me to endure something that is not clear and for what reason.

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