I don't like children, especially ill-mannered ones

I don't like children, especially ill-mannered ones
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Many people will judge me, especially mothers. But I can't tolerate ill-mannered children.

I don'tMarried , no children of her own, but has nieces. I can't say that I enjoy communicating with them. This annoys my parents, sister and herhusband . They are touched by all their pranks, but I am not. This is why they condemn me. But I can’t understand how you can calmly look whena child goes around all the guests at the table and with his own hands climbs into their plate, picks up a cream flower with his finger, puts it in his mouth, licks his finger and climbs into the next plate.

Mom andthe sister laughs at this, andthe father says: “What a smart little girl, she won’t be lost in this world.” The guests smile strainedly, but they no longer want to eat. I’m also silent, but when it’s my turn to get a piece of cake, I just hit my fingers with my fork. Loud crying begins, and even louder screams from my sister and parents. I answer that if a child is not raised correctly by his parents, then he will be raised by strangers and not always only with words.

My niece is 6 years old, not six months old. A year later she went to school, but she still hadn’t learned the basics. The sister makes an excuse that she and her husband want to raise free individuals, and that’s why they don’t punish them. But that’s their business, but when it concerns me, I will put such “free individuals” in their place.

I calledfriend , met on the playground, where she was walking with her son. He is five years old. He is calm, but when I saw him carrying sand on the swing, Iremark . She said that now children who want to ride on it will sit in this sand. He pouted and immediately looked atmother . My friend turned to me and said: “the children come from the playground all dirty anyway, but he needs something to do.” I see that her mood has deteriorated. I answer her: “imagine that yourmy son wanted to go on the swing, and there was already wet sand there, would you be pleased?” She didn’t answer, she got ready to go home.

I can't understand why people are so selfish or just not very smart. They consider test-antibiotic.com their children to be the best and allow them to do whatever they want. I have never heard my sister reprimand her children. What are they hoping for? That children themselves will become smart and well-mannered?

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