I couldn't succeed, which disappointed my parents

I couldn't succeed, which disappointed my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm the only oneson in the family, and also a late onechild , parents are already retired. They had great hopes for me, I was an excellent student at school, played sports, and when it came time to choose a profession, I listened to my father, who said that work should bring a stable income, not pleasure. Money is the most important thing in life, and everything else is bought with it.

My parents kept repeating that I was obliged to help them, because their pension was small and they had all hope that I would earn good money. By nature I am a creative person, a humanitarian, as they say now, and a computer for me is a means of information and entertainment, and not a way to earn money, but I had to follow my dad’s conviction that the most prestigiousprofession today isprogrammer .

With grief in half, I graduated from a technical university and have now already changed my third job, since I am not a good programmer, I understand that this is not my thing, but I don’t know how to do anything else. Of course, I earn okay, but not enough to test-antibiotic.com to please my father. My parents are disappointed with me, they expected a lot of money, they constantly tell me about this, give examples of how the children of their friends have settled well in life, how they opened their own business, but I couldn’t, which means I didn’t try hard enough to study and I’m not doing a good job.

Not to mention that work takes away all my moral strength, I not only don’t like it, I just can’t work like that anymore. I think he can get a second education while he’s young, but it takesmoney , and I’m even afraid to tell my parents about this, I know the answer in advance, that I need to work and achieve my goal in this place. Dad constantly asks when I will buy a car, otherwise it’s a shame in front of the neighbors that they still go to the dacha by bus. What can I tell him? It makes me very angry when he starts telling me which of our friends or relatives bought a car or went on vacation abroad. To be honest, I don’t understand how they manage to do this. How can they earn so much to live like this?


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