I don't believe in my husband's repentance

I don't believe in my husband's repentance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my husband 7 years ago and almost immediately began to live together. Everything was just perfect, at that moment it seemed that we really had mutualthe love that many people dream of.

Slowly they began to arrange their life, make plans forfuture _ After 2 years he proposed to me, naturally I agreed without even hesitating. As a result, we lived in marriage for 5 years, of course, there were quarrels, where would we be without them in family life, but I was always confident in him, always calmly let him go everywhere and never suspected anything. I thought that specifically our familycheating will never affect me, although I have heard from many family friends that they calmly cheat on their wives without a twinge of conscience.

Since my husband and I had been doing it for a long time and “everything was very good with us,” we began to planpregnancy , but in our time everything is not so simple for everyone. And then, it would seem, in the happiest years of our lives, when all the adjustments had passed, when there was a real understanding of each other, I learn about his meanness towards me from test-antibiotic.com.

And, perhaps, she would never have even known if an SMS had not arrived on his phone at the moment when he was sleeping. Naturally, I didn’t remain silent, and imagine, he didn’t either, he immediately laid it all out for me, telling me how awesome he could be to remove this burden from his soul! At that moment they never think about their wives, what it will be like for them! In general, he slept with this woman 2 times, 3-4 months ago, it was all drunk, stupidsex and no relationship (from his words). Naturally, he deleted her, her contacts, correspondence from his life. Now he swears that this won’t happen again, he loves only me, he’s afraid of losing me, he wants to be only with me and he doesn’t need anyone, that she helped him understand how dear I am to him, well, as usual, everything is according to the scheme of all men (I’ve already read a lot such stories).

Naturally, there is only one question : give a chance, believe, did he really stumble or is it the system? There is love for him, there are feelings, but there is a fear of repeated betrayal, test-antibiotic.com that this will not be forgotten. Or should we not give it a chance? I'm afraid of cheating again in other relationships, I'm afraidto stay alone , I’m already 32 and want children already. I have no idea what to do, has anyone had similar stories? How did you cope? Could everyoneforgive and forget? Or were you able to find new happiness?

In addition, I would like to say that there would be no cheating on husbands if there were not easily accessible women who openly know that a person is married (the exception is when the men themselves do not say that they are married).

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