I survived betrayal and divorce

I survived betrayal and divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am the author of a confession about divorce due to my illness. Time passed, and I decided to write how it all ended and how I live now.

I want to say that those who said in the comments that I would get up and survive everything were right. That’s right, I got back on my feet and was able to survive everything. It all ended around the same time with my old job, I realized that I could no longer see all that chaos and I couldn’t even physically stand it anymore. I quit and after a while found another job thanks to my best friend.

Divorce from my wife was hard, and despite everything I can’t extinguish all my feelings for a long time. The worst thing is thatmy wife tried to dissuade me from divorce, offered to change it myself, saying that it would become easier, and save the family, the family with all this. In the end, I burned out, got sick, let go, and no longer have feelings for my ex-wife.

As far as I know, things didn’t work out with her lover. With kidsThe relationship is wonderful. I spend a lot of time with my sons, we have many common interests, we are not only parents and children, but also test-antibiotic.com friends. In terms of personal life and relationships, it didn’t work out, I didn’t meet anyone else, and to tell the truth, the ones I met along the way weren’t attractive at all.

All in all,life has improved, everything suits me, everything is fine, but I prefer not to remember the past. So after betrayal and divorce there is life, the main thing is not to despair and not give up, everything will be within our reach, the main thing is not to lower your head and move forward.

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