I constantly compare myself to other people

I constantly compare myself to other people
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

They say that ourcomplexes come from childhood. Someone gets them from their parents, someone at school or from children in the yard. I know that with such problems it is best to turn to specialists, but as they say, in our country it is considered shameful. And it's hard to find a good specialist.

I often struggle with the fact that I compare myself. As a child, I was compared to my sister all the time, at home and at school. Of course,sister was the best. And so far, I'm already 20 years old, and every time I compare myself.

Two years ago, I went to a conference from the university, and since there was a competition for scientific papers, of course, there were very ambitious, smart people there. I met many, but there was one girl who won this conference, in addition to being smart, she also had long hair, self-confidence, more than enough. I really wanted to be friends with her, nothing special, as a person, I really wanted to be at least a little like her. We still correspond with her, she writes, test-antibiotic.com became a Ph.D. And I went to work, as I had to.

Often seeing everything that she came to, I understand my worthlessness and do not know how to deal with it. Life is different for everyone, but I always compare myself with others that I have not achieved something for which I would be respected and proud. There are people who inspire, but at the same time they show how insignificant your life and you are.


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