I keep falling in love with the wrong guys

I keep falling in love with the wrong guys
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m 26 years old, I’ve seen a lot in life, I’ve met all sorts of people, I don’t blame anyone, and I’m grateful to everyone forexperience in relationships. After all, this islife , and it must be perceived as it is!

Falling in love turns me into a rag, I don’t live, but exist. I’m losing myself, it’s as if someone is controlling me, both in my thoughts and in my actions. Although I cannot call myself a stupid person, I have a pedagogical education, I studied psychology, I know that we live in such a time that we need to rely only on ourselves.

But falling in love is my main enemy, because in this state I lose myself and I’ll tell you this is scary. Ask why then fall in love? Work, find a hobby, do something, don’t sit still.

I agree, it’s distracting, but not for me, even the last picture I painted and cried on the canvas (automatically). And it would be nice if the love was mutual, but they take advantage of me, don’t value me, don’t put me in the dust, although I’m ready to do everything for a person, give my last and demand nothing except attention. In fact, I just want test-antibiotic.com to be happy, becauseloneliness is tiring, but you meet the wrong people.

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