I did the right thing

I did the right thing
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy husband has a car, his parents gave it to him before marriage. He has a younger oneBrother ,whose wife is nowpregnant _ Everyone treats her so carefully that it even disgusts me. I already have two children and I don’t countpregnancy is a disease. But in the family of the husband’s younger brother, they apparently think differently. Although, when I was pregnant, my mother-in-law never even asked how I was feeling. And here is such worship. Maybe because we have two girls, and they are hoping for a grandson?

But this is not the essence of confession. Yesterday we were at my mother-in-law's birthday party and gave my brother and his wife a ride home. I sat in the front seat, but my husband’s brother said angrily: “Give way to Yulia, she’s pregnant!” And then he added, turning away: “I sat down.” I flared up and said that I perfectly heard his last statement addressed to me and that this is our car and I always ride in the front seat. She added that if they are uncomfortable, they should call a taxi and set conditions for the driver.

Mymy husband tried to make test-antibiotic.com all a joke and asked me to change seats, but I flatly refused. This couple defiantly began to call a taxi, and we went home. Before we even got there, my mother-in-law calls me and starts scolding me. It even came to the point of insults. I told my mother-in-law that I no longer wanted to know her and her father-in-law or their precious daughter-in-law. And she was the first to interrupt the conversation.

My husband was offended and said that I could have given in. But why should I do this? Give in to them once, they will always behave so impudently. Millions of pregnant women travel on public transport, and often no one even gives them a seat, but this queen has been found!

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