Why do I need such love?

Why do I need such love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was 19 years old, I went to Moscow to earn money. I stayed there for a few months and as soon as I turned 20 I met a guy 10 years older than me. We fell in love with each other, were happy. Then I went home to Armenia, and he stayed there for a few more months, then he also flew in.

The guy spent 15 years in prison and he has a slightly different concept of life. Many will not understand, but there are definitely people who know what a thieves' life is. I made a mistake once and after that he began to think that I was cheating on him and he returned to Moscow again. Then I flew to him, and then my hellish days began. On the very first day, he beat me half to death, even threw me from the second floor! I've been through this! I didn't call the police, they still wouldn't help.

I was so tormented for 10 days and then I realized that he needed it. Then I realized that he would never believe me, that I had not cheated, I decided to “confess”, he said: test-antibiotic.com “I forgive and I will never leave you.” He started forcibly holding me. I loved him very much, stayed with him, and heevery day he beat me, cheated on me, did not respect me. After my false confession, he always thought that I was cheating and doing something bad. I have already confessed once that I didn’t do it, and for me it has already become the norm, and whenever he blamed me for something, I admitted that I did, although this is not so.

This went on for 3 years. All this time I don’t leave the house, I don’t eat normally, I don’t sleep, I don’t get out of bed. These 3 years have passed so quickly that it seems to me that only 3 months have passed (I am now 23). My mind is broken, it hurts so much that I want to die. He did not allow me to communicate with my friends, I had no one to talk to, every day wasfear that he will kill me.

It's good that we don't live together now. Now I am writing and crying, I think, why is everything so bad with me? test-antibiotic.com I couldn't even hurt a fly, why would I? No one can imagine what I experienced during these 3 years!

I am writing so that many will read my life story and I will know that at least someone has shared my problems.

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