Two guys from work are courting me

Two guys from work are courting me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Two weeks ago I started a new job at a restaurant. And everything would be fine if not for one thing - I’m the only one theregirl in a men's group. This explains the natural increasemale attention to my person, but there are two guys who I don’t understand at all. I did not have close relationships with men and have no experience working in a male environment (except perhaps with classmates) because... I just recently graduated from school and I didn’t have time for this yet.

There is a firstguy , let's say Misha. He began openly flirting with me on the second day of working together. Moreover, at first, shy of the others, he made signs of attention to me on the sly, and then openly. He proposes marriage , gives bunches of parsley, etc. But there is one thing: he has a girlfriend with whom he has been dating since 2012.

One day this girl comes to us (and Misha specifically flirted with me that day) and he immediately pretends that nothing happened. I was upset that they so clearly preferred another to me in front of everyone. And Misha took it asjealousy , although I didn’t tell him anything and didn’t explain any feelings. The next day, he behaved the way people behave in a quarrel: he tried to stay away, took the tenth route, but by the evening he began to openly flirt again. Moreover, from the body language it is clear that he likes me.

The second guy (let it be Sasha) began to notice the signs of attention shown to me and for some reason decided to develop this topic. More than once he asked, as if jokingly, if I liked Misha, if I had a boyfriend, etc. Later this developed into the fact that Sasha began to flirt with me even more than Misha! Moreover, the behavior is radically different: Misha averts his eyes, Sasha looks straight into the eyes, Misha stands with his hands on his waist, Sasha leans across the bar closer to me. Misha is more reserved, but follows me with his gaze wherever I go, and Sasha occasionally glances (I pretend not to notice this), and when we accidentally meet our eyes, he winks at me. They both like to tease me to make me smile or laugh.

Help me figure out what's what. What does their behavior mean? Do they both like me or are they just competing with each other for me? This is all flattering to me, of course, but I don’t want to be a toy or someone’s prize.

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