Wife encourages daughter to be lazy

Wife encourages daughter to be lazy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Are collapsingrelationship with his wife, constant quarrels over her daughter.

We have been living in a civil marriage for 1.5 years, our daughter is 18 years old. Quarrels because she never cleans up after herself, what she doesn’t do, leaves a mess, especially when she ate, she left everything like that. When asked to clean up after himself, he replies that he will clean up later, but everything is just like that, especially the dishes. As a matter of principle, I don’t wash the dishes after her, butthe wife cleans up everything she leaves behinddaughter _

I tried 100,500 times to explain to my wife that this is not right. I come home from work before my wife, my daughter is studying online at home, the kitchen is a terrible mess, I tell my wife why my daughter didn’t clean up after herself, the answer is: “she’s studying, she’s busy, and why is it hard for you to clean up.” I am shocked by such impudence.

I don’t know how to deal with this anymore. How to proceed?

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