Women's beauty is working on yourself plus quality cosmetics

Women's beauty is working on yourself plus quality cosmetics
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Some of my female peers surprise me. It seems that grown women, who are already over 30, believe in fairy tales and miracles. And they don’t want to understand that nothing happens just like that, without effort, be it a promotion or the absence of folds at the waist.

I am especially annoyed by the reluctance to look according to my age, the reluctance to fight with him for my appearance, figure, for myhappiness at last.

Yes, at seventeen somegirls can really afford to eat everything, not play sports, not use cosmetics and look amazing at the same time. But don’t think that men will be stacked at the feet of a mature woman who doesn’t take care of herself, is lazy to do physical exercise and skimps on cosmetics. Moreover, by “saving” I mean not so much the purchase of cheap cosmetics, but the reluctance to spend time and understand the characteristics of your body, your hair, skin, tendency to be overweight, etc. Find out by reading the recommendations of professionals on trustworthy sites on the Internet, visiting doctors and undergoing (if necessary) appropriate tests.

In order to look good test-antibiotic.com at forty, you need to start working on your appearance from the age of twenty-five: quit smoking, stop eating junk food, get enough sleep, frown less and don’t forget about skin care products. There is no need to buy expensive cosmetics that you saw advertised on TV - you can quite inexpensively buy high-quality cosmetics that are recommended to youfriends or a dermatologist acquaintance.

It’s true what they say: there are no ugly women, only lazy and underfunded ones. And if it’s quite difficult to deal with the last problem, then don’t be lazy, don’t neglect yourhealth and your appearance, any woman at any age is capable of. But you need to take care of yourself constantly, from year to year, otherwise the time will very quickly come when no decorative cosmetics will help. It is not within our power to overcome time, but any intelligent, purposeful woman can stop its destructive effects.

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