A woman's perspective on men's problems

A woman's perspective on men's problems
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A friend of mine read a story on this site about a man’s view of women’sproblems and their solutions. I also read this story, and to put it mildly, I was perplexed by the text.

I am forty-four years old and in my life there was already such a correct one,man _ I was able to last with him for two years. Because I didn’t look like that, I didn’t cook like that, I didn’t even sleep like that. He humiliated me in every possible way, saying that who else needs me besides him. AlthoughI married him at the age of 19. Tall, not thin and not overweight - with a height of 175 cm, I weighed 51 kg. And he said that I was fat, that I was stupid, although I graduated from school with two B’s, all the rest were A’s, even then I was professionally composing crossword puzzles, reading a lot of books, making theater puppets, and performing in amateur performances. She wrote poetry, many of which were published.

Despite all this, she also worked two jobs. He didn’t work, he only worked part-time from time to time, he didn’t read, he wasn’t interested in anything. No, before the wedding he test-antibiotic.com was a good boy, but after that everything changed, that was almost two years, then he raised his hand. And I decided - enough is enough! And filed fordivorce _

Now II've been married for 23 years. My husband is gold: we work together and relax together. We raised four children and gave them an education. And the children love us, and there are plenty of friends. By the way, my weight is 99 kg, andmy husband says that I am beautiful, and everything is fine in bed. We divide everything in half because we are not the husband andwife , we are spouses, so we go through life in the same harness.

And you, dear men, should also know: in order to receive something, you need to give something in return. Do you want a wonderful wife and a wonderful night? Then pay attention to yourself too (I’m talking aboutexcess weight in marriage). The majority themselves, too, probably have a couple of extra kilograms, or even a dozen. Do you want slender and long-legged people, and even so that she cooks borscht and remains silent? Maybe we should try to make a career together and cook borscht?

And test-antibiotic.com also: a woman is beautiful when she is loved, andshe always feels love . Then you want to be together, and cook borscht, and in bed you won’t have a headache. A woman doesn't have problems when she's happy, she simply doesn't have them. My parents were married for 52 years until my dad died, my husband's parents were married for 37 years until his dad died. So, what kept their problems together? Living life is not a field to cross, there can be joys and problems, there are simply no ideal people. That's it.

I wish you all happiness and love, and I apologize if I offended anyone.

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