Life is beautiful and should be appreciated

Life is beautiful and should be appreciated
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The pessimism of the author, who despaired and believes that life has passed me by, made me write my story.

I am a simple bus driver (though with a technical education). He suffered a massive heart attack while driving. Thank God, no accident. Doctors pulled me out of the other world for 5 days.

After the cardio center and the sanatorium, I came to work (give it, bring it). And now our car mechanic meets me and says: “yes, I know that you had a heart attack. So, have you already left? Give me your hand and I'll take a look."

I thought it was a joke, but gave a hand. And he tells me in all seriousness: “Oh, so you have a little left! And you won't survive a second heart attack." I say: "thank you, I'm glad." And turned everything into a joke. And the worm of doubt and fear settled in the soul.

And so I was once again treated in cardiology and asked the attending physician how I was doing. He left the answer. But when I was discharged, I was accepted by a youngthe doctor and to my question (having looked at all the documents) says: “Your heart is bad, but you drink all the prescriptions. It will prolong your life a little.”

His words upset me completely. I came into the room in shock. I found a sheet of paper and a pen to write down the medication and then I burst out. I (let the poets forgive me) instantly wrote a poem dedicated to the heart. All of my life flew by in an instant.

I was only 55 years old. The cardiologist at the place of residence where I was registered said: “You don’t have that kind of money to be operated on. So the only thing you can do is to have fun and walk more.” But my brain had to be occupied with something so that bad thoughts would not enter my head.

What didn't I do? And he participated in competitions, received small prizes and thanks, invented all sorts of trinkets. But then by chance (although it has been hanging for a long time) I looked at my daughter's hand-drawn picture and decided to try it.

Three months later, they already became more or less similar (I drew my wife and grandchildren from photographs). I went up to the artist, showing my drawings and asking what am I missing here? And he is surprised: "where did you study." When I found out that nowhere, I did not believe it. Said: “portrait painting is hard in general, go for landscapes. Here you will be free in your imagination or make copies of your favorite paintings.

And so I began to paint eight colors in gouache. I got so carried away! It began to work out. My grandson (lawyer) saw it and said: “grandfather, send me a couple of oil paintings to my office.” I said oil is expensive. I paint on paper and gouache.

So he brought me three canvases 60-80, brushes, paints, solvent andoil . I'm dumbfounded! I have been preparing myself for a month to start painting on canvas. I chose Mikhail Satarov's paintings "Venice" and "Lake Como".

How I tried! And oh my god, I got them. Everyone is amazed, and so am I. And the grandson says: “No, grandfather, you can write to the office in a simpler way, and I’ll take these to my apartment.”

This is how I was buried 15 years ago. And I live and paint. I write and slowly walk around the microdistrict. Indeed, it is less. Life is wonderful. I'm 70 in January!

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