Life for life

Life for life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I walk around the city and see posters: help this one, transfer money for an operation for that one... Yes, I understand that this is very serious and some people need it and for them it is the last hope, but one story happened in my life, after which I came to the conclusion that it is better to simply ignore all these requests. I understand that after reading these lines, someone will immediately start spitting at their computer monitor, someone will say that God is the judge. You know, I am not against it, because firstly, I have already decided everything for myself, and secondly... here is my story.

The story that changed my lifelife , began 8 years ago, in a small town in the Donetsk region. In the fall of 2004, I went outto marry Oleg, the most beloved and only man in my life. We met in the first year of college, and after the fifth we got married. After the wedding, we moved to live in my mother's apartment, and mine of course. The apartment is three-room, nice, but I saw that Oleg was feeling some discomfort there. No, there were no complaints from his mother, on the contrary, she often said that she had a daughter, and now a son has appeared.

We were given this as a wedding presentmoney , let's say, a sufficient amount and we decided to buy a one-room apartment, but decided to wait a little. Six months later, Oleg's grandmother, having transferred the house near Kiev to him, went to Belarus to her sister. Oleg suggested selling the house and buying a luxurious apartment with renovation in our city with this money. We had already started looking for options, but then in the evening cameMom was in tears and told me thatOur neighbor's daughter

is terminally ill. The thing is that I knew Aunt Nina very well when I was a child, she is the same age as my mother, she gave birth to a daughter late. The girl with the wonderful name Lesya was 16, I knew that the girl was constantly ill and now she was given a terrible diagnosis and in order for her to stay alive, it was necessary to pay for an operation in Israel. Aunt Nina cried constantly, she even went to Zinaida (this is another neighbor of ours, she hasthe son has settled down well somewhere in Kiev), but she gave her the cold shoulder turn.

Here my heart gave out, and I suggested Oleg to give all the money from the sale of the house to Lesya for treatment. At first he doubted, then gave the go-ahead. Aunt Nina was jumping for joy - after all, it was 50 thousand dollars. They immediately flew to Israel, stayed there for about 5 months, we learned about their return from the same neighbor Zina. It turns out that upon arrival, they arrangeda party at home, invited everyone except us, or rather mom. Of course, we were a little upset, especially me, but mom said: daughter, don't worry about it, you helped a person, saved the life of a young girl, so look, someone will help you too, not for free, just for fun. I agreed with mom and even forgot, but Aunt Nina came herself six months later. She just came to chat, and when I asked where Lesya was, she waved me off: yes, she's running around somewhere, making up for lost time!

Lesya didn't waste her time. After finishing school, she didn't get into any university, she spent all her nights partying. And we lived together with my mother in a three-room Khrushchev-era apartment. In the end, my mother decided to go to her brother in Kharkov and leave the apartment to us, the young ones, although we asked her to stay, but she left anyway, and took a promise from us that in a year she would have either a grandson or a granddaughter.

A year later, something else happened: Lesya found herself a rich "sugar daddy" and got married. The wedding went on for two days in the most luxurious restaurant in the city, and I was suffering from toxicosis at the time, so I wasn't upset that no one invited me. The fact that Zinaida stood on the towel instead of the godmother, that Lesya kissed her hand and said: "Thank you, second mom" shocked me, and what did she have to do with it?

Right after the wedding, my husband bought an apartment in our building, a two-room apartment. "The scope is a bit small," I thought to myself, and I didn't say anything to Oleg.

At the right time, Alenka was born. There was a sea of ​​joy, we plunged into raising a child,problems and worries. When the baby was one year and 10 months old, a misfortune happened in our family: while fastening at a height, the cable gave way and Oleg fell down. 18 hours and 4 teams of surgeons fought for his life. After the operation, the verdict: if the operation is not performed within six months, he will die, the operation must be performed in Kiev, the cost is 20 thousand hryvnia. Of course, the amount is not small, and my world collapsed. I sold everything I could sell, but it was only enough for medicine. I went and asked, but no one even lent me money. At the hospital, they told me about some kind of aid fund, I went there, and there they said: we will not give you money, but you can help other patients!

Time was passing and I decided to go to Lesya. I didn't want to, but for the sake ofI risked my husband . I stood and told her story, and she stood and laughed. I couldn’t stand it and burst into tears, I didn’t want to talk, but I couldn’t stand it: “Why are you like this? Oleg and I gave you our last, we don’t have a penny left, and now I’m asking you for 20 thousand, to lend me some, I’ll give it back. I have no one else to lend me, Lesya, we saved your life.” I look, and her smile widened even more, and then she says: “How can you say such a thing?! If it weren’t for Aunt Zina, I would have definitely died with your help, she saved me.” I say: “Do you understand that I gave you 50 thousand dollars?”, and she says: “Don’t lie, Aunt Zina found them, she told me herself. And anyway, even if you had saved me, do I owe anything to anyone, I had extra money – that’s why you gave it to me. Okay, sorry, honestly I have no money, my husband has problems at work and I have to go, bye." She turned around and left, and I stood there, rooted to the spot. I realized that I had lost my husband.

A week later I was leaving the hospital, lost in my thoughts. Aunt Nina came out to meet me, all cheerful, and asked why I was so sad. And really, why am I like this? The fact thatMy husband is dying, so what, God be with you, you should go somewhere, relax. Mine went on a cruise around Europe 3 days ago, and then to Sri Lanka for 2 months of relaxation. I kept quiet and left, that's how it is.

So at 32 I was left a widow with a small child in my arms. Oleg died 7 months later, no one helped him. Tell me, will God punish Lesya, but he will not, I am sure of it. During these 5 years they built a house, before that she had 3 abortions, and then, when they wanted children - suddenly and immediately a girl and a year later a boy! Everything is fine with her, and I am raising a daughter alone, who does not remember her dad. That's myconfession , and now it is your right to judge me or support me.

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