Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • My husband is pulling me down
    MyConfession is that I live with a husband who is too domestic. And he has always been like this.We have been married for 15 years and have children. Paradoxically, he leads the lifestyle of an elderly man. In the morning, he gets ready for work, after work, to the store and home, and straight to th...
  • There are all kinds of mothers, even ones like mine.
    There is only one mother . She is not chosen. And speaking badly about your mother is considered indecent. I'll compromise. I'll tell you how it is. So myMother .God did not spare her intelligence, beauty, or luck. But, it seems, in my mother'sOn his birthday, he experienced an acute shortage of ten...
  • Someone else's child
    I am 26 years old, I met a divorced man who has a five-year-oldson . He immediately said that he had nothing but gratitude towards his ex-wife for the birth of his son, butthe child is everything to him. I realized that I was assigned a secondary role in his life, but I’m still okay, but if we have ...
  • On the second date, the guy invited me to his home
    The problem is in my relationship with my boyfriend, although we just started talking. We met on a hike. At the first meeting, we somehow didn’t communicate much, but after the second trip we became disconnected, he took my number and called. But when we talked on the phone, he was always kind of st...
  • I don't know how to get rid of such a friend
    I have a friend. Previously, we talked in a group, but then somehow we fell out, and we went out in pairs 2 times. And something worked out between her and me, we began to correspond on some topic. That’s how we communicated sometimes. About cosmetics and other nonsense, we saw each other once a yea...
  • I realized that I still don’t love my husband
    This summer I met a guy. Everything happened quickly and spontaneously. I was in a hurry to go to work and walked very quickly. On the left side there was a row of shops from which he and his friend came out. We locked eyes. I paid attention to them so eagerly because they were both wearing black gl...
  • I hate my husband's sister
    I hate my sisterhusband . She is 10 years older than him and always behaves like the smartest one. She constantly tries to show her superiority to me, although she is nothing of herself, all at the expense of her husband. He lives for his own pleasure, having nothing of his own at 30 years old, doin...
  • Daughter-in-law's lies
    How to get your daughter-in-law to keep her promise? She promised to transfer the apartment to me, and now she’s pretending to be an innocent lamb.I raised my children alone; after being widowed at an early age, I dedicated the rest of my life tolife for children, tried to give them everything, with...
  • During a quarrel, the husband took the side of his mistress
    I completely lost myself and the meaning of life. I'll tell you in more detail. Left earlygot married , had a baby, but nothing worked out with my husband and he was imprisoned.While he was in places not so remote, I applied fordivorce and met my second civil partnerhusband . He loves freedom, hangi...
  • An unexpected turn in my family life
    I already wrote my story here, thatMy husband lives with me because of comfort. I didn’t have any facts of betrayal, but I just seemed to feel that something was wrong. He and I were planning children, but his behavior towards me at that time seemed strange to me, as if he had distanced himself emot...
  • Ex-husband's revenge
    My ex introduced me to himclassmate . After some time, we started dating, and I moved to live with him.Everything was fine with us, but then, one “beautiful” day, I saw him on another. He was supposed to pick me up from work, but his phone was unreachable. As it turned out, he went for a ride with s...
  • I never found my place in life
    A person is writing to you, tired of constant failures. I’ll tell you a little about myself: I’m 23 years old, I received a secondary specialized education in a trade specialty.Since childhood, I was a very withdrawn child due to problems in the family and in society, but at the age of 17 I learned ...
  • The husband spoke about his betrayal, but does not take steps towards reconciliation
    The situation is complicated -treason husband . We lived together for 15 years. He admitted it himself, didn’t hear any words of repentance, just said that he didn’t know what to say in such a situation and didn’t know how it happened. He wants to save his family, I think only for the sake of three ...
  • For children and mothers
    I want to tell my story. Not for myself. I don’t need advice: at least I’m starting to cope with the situation. But maybe it will be useful to someone. There are too many stories about confrontation between parents and children.A year ago mine diedMother . I love her very much, but we have never had...
  • An unusual love story with a very large age difference
    I'm 23 years old, my husband is 54 (yes, that's not a typo).We met at work, he was the head of the department where I was an intern. We had to communicate quite often about work outside the office, but always with colleagues, never alone. There were no hints, not even the slightest flirtation - afte...
  • Mother-in-law should not interfere in her son's family
    My son got married 3 years ago, my granddaughter is 2 years old. He also began to move away, as in the story where the adultthe son does not want to communicate with his mother. I already tried to give him complete freedom even before I met my future wife. I tried not to get into my soul. If he want...
  • My husband doesn’t know how to behave in public, so I don’t want to go anywhere with him
    Everything was fine until I thought about it. We lived well with my husband, I love him, but then I took a closer look - God, how many bad habits he has! I feel so ashamed of him! I’m just ready to fall through the ground when we’re together in some company.I’m writing here and I know that someone w...
  • I'm to blame for my wife's betrayal
    I've been with my wife for almost 7 years, we havelittle daughter , 2 years old. Whenmy wife became pregnant, I left to work. We did not live richly, and I understood that it would be best if I left so that there would bemoney . As a result, I left for almost 11 months; we regularly kept in touch vi...
  • How I was “congratulated” on my birthday
    An unpleasant situation happened to me this year. It seems like nothing terrible, but, to be honest, now I’m trying to reconsider my views on friendship and comradeshiprelationship . And the whole point is that 2 months ago I turned thirty. I don’t have my own family yet - I tried, but it didn’t wor...
  • Nothing makes me happy
    I am 24 years old, two higher educations, goodhusband and one year oldchild . In six months I return from maternity leave to work.The main events are planned for a couple of years in advance. There are financial difficulties, but everyone is well-fed and healthy, and she herself has regained her pre...