How Marina defeated alcohol

How Marina defeated alcohol
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Marina says that her problem with alcohol began many years ago. In the beginning, she just drank at parties and in the company of friends, but over time it became her daily habit. Marina understood that this was not good, but she could not stop. She felt lonely and unhappy, and drinking was the only way to deal with her emotions.
However, everything changed when Marina realized that her problem had become a serious illness. She realized that she needed to do something to change her life. Marina began to seek help from specialists - narcologists and psychotherapists. She underwent a course of treatment at a rehabilitation center, which included psychotherapy, exercise and group classes.
Marina admits that the first days after she stopped drinking were very difficult. She experienced great discomfort and felt very insecure. But over time, she managed to improve her life. Marina began to play sports, which helped her control her emotions and thoughts. She also learned to develop new skills that helped her fight alcoholism.
Now Marina lives a full life without alcohol. She continues to attend consultations with specialists and play sports. She has established relationships with loved ones and people around her, which helps her not to return to her old life.
Marina urges everyone who is faced with the problem of alcoholism not to despair and seek help from specialists. She is sure thatit is possible to stop drinking , the main thing is the desire and perseverance in achieving your goal.

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