Female alcoholism

Female alcoholism
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
FemaleAlcoholism is a serious problem that can lead to various mental and physical illnesses. External manifestations of female alcoholism can be different and depend on the stage of the disease.
In the early stages, female alcoholism can manifest itself as frequent drinking of small amounts of alcohol. A woman may start usingalcohol in the evenings to relax and relieve fatigue. However, over time, the amount of alcohol consumed may increase, and this will already indicate a problem.
Another manifestation of female alcoholism may be a change in appearance. A woman may begin to lose weight, bruising under her eyes, pale skin and hair. Alcohol affects the liver, which can lead to jaundice and other digestive problems.
In later stages, female alcoholism can manifest itself as a strong dependence on alcohol. A woman can begin to drink alcohol in large quantities, and sometimes at any time of the day or night. She may lose her job, friends and family due to her addiction.
In addition, female alcoholism can lead to mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. A woman can become aggressive and unbalanced, which can lead to conflicts with others.
In general, the external manifestations of female alcoholism can be different and depend on the stage of the disease. If you notice signs of alcoholism in yourself or a loved one, you need to seek help from specialists. It is best to start treatment at an early stage of the disease to avoid serious consequences.

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