Интересные факты

Our life is an amazing journey full of diverse experiences and adventures. Every day we encounter new challenges and opportunities that help us grow and develop. We meet different people, learn new cultures and traditions, and discover beautiful places on our planet. Our lives are filled with joy, love, friendship, but also with challenges that make us grow stronger and learn to appreciate what we have. Every day is a new chance for us to live life to the fullest and get the most out of it.

  • Flounder, 10 interesting facts
    The flounder isfish , which is one of the most popular in the world due to its taste and nutritional properties. In this article, we will share 10 facts about flounder that may surprise you. 1. Flounder is a predatory fish. It feeds on other fish and shellfish, making it very tasty and nutritious. 2...
  • Oysters, 10 interesting facts
    Oysters are small shellfish that are one of the most popular delicacies in the world. They have many adherents due to their taste and nutritional properties. In this article, we will share 10 facts about oysters that may surprise you. 1. Oysters are a protein scorer. They contain a huge amount of pr...
  • Show me a chatty introvert if you can
    Вы действительно уверены, что вы интроверт? Написала давнему другу, узнать как дела, где была профессиональная диагностика. До и после. И узнала потрясающую новость: “У меня тип личности сейчас где-то посередине, это лучше, чем интровертный, как было раньше”. К слову это был самый болтливый студент ...
  • Сколько кислорода производит дерево?
    Деревья играют важную роль в жизни нашей планеты. Они не только служат укрытием для животных и людей, но и выполняют важную функцию в процессе фотосинтеза, который позволяет им вырабатывать кислород. Каждое дерево способно вырабатывать разное количество кислорода в зависимости от его размера, типа и...
  • Kalmar, 10 interesting facts
    Squids are amazing marine creatures that attract the attention of people with their unusual body shapes and behavior. Below are 10 interesting facts about squid. 1. Squids can change the color and texture of their skin to hide from predators or attract a mate. They use special cells called chromatop...
  • Alcohol and fishing: how alcohol affects the safety and health of fishermen
    Fishing is a fun activity that allows people to enjoy nature and catch fish. However, drinking alcohol while fishing can have serious consequences for the safety and health of fishermen. Firstly, drinking alcohol can lead to impaired coordination of movements and a decrease in reaction. This can lea...
  • Cheburek, 10 interesting facts
    Like any other dish, pasties have their own history and many interesting facts that can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmets. In this article, we have collected 10 interesting facts about pasties for you . 1. The history of chebureks goes back to ancient times. It is believed that the first...
  • Antibiotic resistance
    Antibiotic resistance has become one of the most serious problems in modern medicine. This phenomenon occurs when bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, rendering them useless in treating infections. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is becoming more common, and its consequences can be disastrous ...
  • Ginger
    Ginger is one of the most versatile and beneficial foods in the world. It is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and even in perfumery. In this article, we will tell you 10 interesting facts about ginger. 1. Ginger comes from South Asia and has been known since antiquity. It has been used to trea...
  • Apple vinegar
    Apple cider vinegar is a product derived from apple juice that undergoes a process of fermentation and oxidation. This product has many useful properties that make it one of the most popular and versatile products for use in home cooking, as well as for the treatment of various diseases. In this art...
  • Масло чайного дерева
    Масло чайного дерева - это эфирное масло, которое получают из листьев чайного дерева (Melaleuca alternifolia), произрастающего в Австралии. Оно широко используется в косметологии, медицине и бытовых целях. В этой статье мы расскажем 10 интересных фактов о масле чайного дерева. 1. Масло чайного дерев...
  • Turmeric
    Turmeric is a spice that is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. In this article, we will share 10 interesting facts about turmeric. 1. Turmeric is the rhizome of the plant Curcuma longa, which is native to South Asia. It is also known as "Indian saffron" because of its bright yellow co...
  • Tea tree
    Tea tree is a plant that is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and household chemicals. In this article, we will tell you 10 interesting facts about the tea tree. 1. The name "tea tree" usually refers to the species Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native to Australia. However, there are over 300 ...
  • Cucumbers, 10 interesting facts
    Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables in the world. They are used both in cooking and in cosmetology and medicine. But beyond that, cucumbers have a lot of interesting facts that many don't know. In this article, we will share 10 of the most interesting facts about cucumbers. 1. Cucumbers...
  • Peach, 10 interesting facts
    Peaches are a juicy and aromatic fruit that many people love. They are not only tasty, but also beneficial for health. In this article, we will tell you 10 interesting facts about peaches. 1. Peaches come from China. This fruit was bred over 2000 years ago and gradually spread throughout the world. ...
  • Pectin
    Pectin is a natural polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants. It is used as a thickener and stabilizer in the food industry. Pectin is also frequently used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Pectin is obtained from various plant sources such as apples, citrus fruits, cranberries,...
  • Lemon, 10 interesting facts
    Lemon is a fruit that is known for its bright taste and aroma. But few people know that lemon has many other interesting properties and uses. In this article, we will share 10 interesting facts about lemon. 1. Lemon contains more vitamin C than orange Lemon is one of the richest sources of vitamin C...
  • What are the benefits of oranges. Answers from Nutrition and Dietetics Professionals
    Oranges are one of the most popular and loved fruits in the world. They are not only delicious, but also very beneficial for our health. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of oranges and what they can give our body. Oranges are rich in vitamin C Vitamin C is one of the most important v...
  • Caviar, 10 interesting facts
    Caviar is one of the most popular products in the world, which is used as a snack or as an addition to dishes. It is made from fish and has many varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. In this article, we will share 10 interesting facts about caviar. 1. Caviar is a rich source of prote...
  • Cottage cheese, 10 interesting factors
    Curd is one of the most popular dairy products in Russia. It is not only tasty and nutritious, but also contains many beneficial properties for the human body. In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about cottage cheese. 1. Cottage cheese is a product obtained from fermented milk whey...