
Alcohol is a beverage that can be both a friend and an enemy to one's health. In moderation, it can have positive effects on the body, such as improving mood, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even preventing the development of dementia. However, serious health consequences, such as cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, and heart and nervous system disorders, can occur with excessive alcohol consumption. Therefore, it is important to remember the measure and consume alcohol responsibly.
  • I want to leave my disabled husband
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  • Dancing
    I read the story likeThe girl has hated herself since childhood. I have a similar life story, only unlike the author, I love children, I would like to have friends and my own family.By my nature, I always stayed in one position instead of striving for promotion, I was afraid of not being able to cop...
  • Interesting facts about Alcoholism
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  • Запретная любовь с цыганом
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  • I can no longer tolerate my husband's regular binges.
    My husband and I have been married for 5 years and have a wonderfuldaughter , she is 4 years old. He is 10 years older (soon 40). The marriage is simply bursting at the seams. I'm thinking about divorce.He had problems with alcohol before marriage (I’m his thirdwife ), but when we met, we were datin...
  • First love was unsuccessful
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  • Любовь и социофобия
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  • Как вернуть свои чувства к мужу?
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  • I can't cope with the heartache
    I want to talk about what has long accumulated in my soul and is breaking out. I don’t know if I still have a soul after everything I’ve been through; there’s probably something left, and among the emptiness there’s still a couple of embers of a once-living soul still smoldering.I already wrote my s...
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  • Или подруга, или враг
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  • Is it possible to drink beer after training?
    After a workout, many people often want to relax and drink beer . However, is it worth doing? Firstly,beer containsalcohol , which can negatively affect muscle recovery after exercise. Alcohol causes dehydration, which can lead to decreased muscle size and poor recovery ability. In addition, beer co...
  • How to drive with a hangover
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  • A terribly difficult period in my life
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  • I am a victim of a selfish husband
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