Antibiotics in quail meat

Antibiotics in quail meat
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Quail meat is becoming more and more popular in the world due to its beneficial properties and low fat content. However, like any other animal product, it may contain antibiotics.
Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat diseases in animals, but their misuse can lead to the development of bacterial resistance and the transmission of this resistance to humans. In addition, antibiotics can be harmful to health by causing allergic reactions or disturbances in the intestinal microflora.
Therefore, when choosing quail meat, it is necessary to pay attention to its origin and quality. It is advisable to choose products from trusted manufacturers who monitor the quality of their products and follow the rules for the use of antibiotics.
In addition, quail meat can be purchased from farmers who raise birds without the use of antibiotics and other harmful additives. This guarantees the naturalness and safety of the product.
It should also be remembered that the correct heat treatment of quail meat allows you to destroy most bacteria and prevent their reproduction. Therefore, before eating, the meat must be well fried or boiled.
In general, quail meat is a healthy and dietary product, but its quality and safety depend on how it was grown and processed. Therefore, when choosing this product, you must be careful and pay attention to all factors that may affect its quality.

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