I'm afraid to go outside because of coronavirus

I'm afraid to go outside because of coronavirus
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

With this quarantine, I don’t go anywhere at all; there are quite a lot of cases in the city, and they have increased compared to recent months. I don't go outside often, although my friends do. Excuses are excuses, but sometimes I really need to go somewhere, or I just can’t go out. But they are walkingevery day (I didn’t go out with them at all in the summer). I understand the virus, but everyone is walking. But I can't.

I think that there are already rumors about me, they have already written to me that I only say excuses and lie and they call me out on the street. I see my whole company is there. They’re having fun, running around, and at home I’ll do 10,000 laps around the rooms and go to the window to look at them. I’m afraid that they’re already discussing me, that I’m somehow strange, and that’s how it looks, they’re laughing, walking, I can even now hear their conversations from the street, the weather is cool.

I don’t even feel like doing my favorite activities at home anymore, I have no inspiration, I can’t draw, I don’t want to do anything at all. I started having some kind ofdepression . Every day there are tears. I test-antibiotic.com don’t want to do anything anymore. And I just lie there and hear them laughing and talking. And nothing makes me happy anymore. If this continues, I'll just go crazy. I won’t say my age, but I’m not old enough to decide for myself whether to go out or not.

Why can’t I, I’ll say briefly - the coronavirus is spreading. My nerves are already running out, depression is starting. I don’t want anything, I’m not in the mood. Now I understand that you need to appreciate what you have. It used to be so simple: if you want to hang out with friends, go. And now just lean to the window and watch others have fun. And go crazy.

Please stay at home so that the virus passes quickly. How to get rid of depression? I feel so sick and bad. And not always because I can’t go out with friends, but because I have some kind of depression, I constantly cry, have some kind of hysterics, just like that, for no reason. This is not normal. Right?

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