How can you justify cheating?

How can you justify cheating?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Why do women think they can safely take a lover ifDoes your husband not give enough time and attention? Does this give them the right to boldly start a lover and change? There are a lot of excuses - she is tired of everyday life and wants romance. The relationship with my husband has long become a routine. Nothing new, solid life. She got bored. Perhaps the husband does not pay enough attention to her, is too busy with work or other concerns, does not satisfy her in bed. Sex has become too monotonous or infrequent.

But is this a reason to have a lover and live on two fronts? After all, many do not want to destroy their family, and do not want to destroy their comfort. And they just want "entertainment" on the side. There are even those who claim that having a lover is good for the family! And they argue this by the fact that a woman begins to selflessly monitor her figure and appearance, she is almost always in high spirits: she sings in the kitchen, is more patient with her husband and children, does not scream or cry for no reason. Meanwhile, the need to receive compliments and gifts from her husband is significantly reduced, and a slight feeling of guilt makes a woman in love pay more attention to children, cook tastier and create an atmosphere of universal love. An undoubted plus is that a new sexual experience instills self-confidence in a woman,

Then what is the point in general in the family, in marriage? I understand life, misunderstanding and many factors, but if you are drawn to the left, why live in a so-called family? If the relationship has reached an impasse, has died, then isn’t it better to immediately and honestly discuss the situation, agree on everything, and settle down peacefully? And then apply fordivorce . But I also think it all depends on the personalities of the husband and wife - all people are very different. And people have different perceptions of certain situations. There are also those who consider this a low-obligation relationship, and see nothing wrong with the fact that a married woman haslover , the main thing is that she does not leave the family, but simply for "health" she meets with a lover whom does not like. She has no feelings for him at all, but just for health.

I just want to know people's opinions. How do you feel about this? Nowadays it is no longer immoral to change. Time changes, probably, people and their views too. Modernity erases the norms of morality. Moral norms are outdated in modern society, and everyone acts according to their upbringing.

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