The main thing is to be loved, not to love

The main thing is to be loved, not to love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

«Главное, чтобы тебя любили, а все остальное — не важно», — говорила моя мамочка с тех пор, как посчитала, что я уже взрослая для таких разговоров. Я никогда не соглашалась с ней, ведь зачем тогда вообще мы живем? Ради любви! И только. Любовь во всем: в семье, в детках, в людях, природе и т.д.

Так я и жила. Металась от одних отношений — к другим, и любила скорее я, чем любили меня. Я подстраивалась, прощала, уступала, ведь я люблю, а как иначе? В итоге об меня вытирали ноги, позволяли обижать меня, кинуть в меня грязным словечком, а иногда и ударить. «Что ж, потерплю, переживу», — думала я, а хотя я вовсе не думала ни о чем, кроме своей половинки.

Последние отношения длились больше 3 лет. Я до последнего боролась за love , for a kind of love: scandals, screams, resentment, parting. At one point, I realized for myself that I was tired, that no one needed my love, and at the first opportunity I decided to leave. I unexpectedly left for my employee, whom I hardly noticed before. He liked me very much, and decided that I would live for myself. I will feel at least how it is when you are needed, you are loved.

We met a little, only 2 months, and jointly decided to live together. What did I feel for him? Sympathy, strong friendships, trust, and all that sort of thing. Of course, I told him that I love, but in fact I understood that there is love in my heart, but for another person - for the one I left. During the time that we parted, little has changed: he does not love me, I love him. Just like in the song.

What do I have with the other hero of this sad story? I go outmarried . He offered - I agreed. “Fool,” you might think. Maybe, but I am sure that I am loved, and I will be wrapped in care all my life. And in return I will do everything to make him happy. Only when I exchanged 3 dozens did I understand: the main thing is to be loved. He loves me, does everything for me, and is ready to kill anyone who offends me. He knows that I have feelings for another. I honestly and sincerely told him about it, and I was even ready to leave so as not to torment him. He said that he would not let go, and sooner or later I would melt.

You know, I'm happy. Everything in my life is going the way I wanted it. Everything is correct, everything is mutual. And there are no reproaches, no swearing, no scandals. I am confident in the future, I am glad that this person is next to me.

I can tell about this situation only to one friend who understands me, because in her life everything turned out the same way. There is a wedding on the nose, I am glad about it, but I know that the day before the wedding I will cry like crazy. And not from doubt, but from happiness. I know I will have a great future with him. And this is the main point. "And love?" - you ask. My love will awaken...

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