How we used to celebrate New Year

How we used to celebrate New Year
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


As we used to celebrate the New Year, the older generation of course knows - chipping in. Someone brought vinaigrette, someone brought Olivier, someone cooked hot food, and of course they saved up for drinks. Because spending too much on all sorts of treats for people was difficult.

It’s just that no one could afford to spend large sums of money for a couple of days of fun, and then sit on pasta or buckwheat for a month until the January salary. Of course, no one had any savings. Everyone lived from paycheck to paycheck. And now that time is coming.

We met around 20:00, sat down at the table, had a snack, and said goodbye to the old year. And then they dressed up in costumes and masks of a bear cub, a mouse, a tiger cub, Malvina, a snowflake, Baba Yaga (what would it be like without her) having fun with jokes, while they were dressing up with jokes, then they laughed until they dropped. And of course there was the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. Then we went to the neighbors to congratulate their children.

We came in with a large noisy group, but the children were not afraid. They were really looking forward to Santa Claus and his retinue. The children recited poems, danced, sang with pleasure, and we gave them gifts,, which the parents had prepared. We did all this work for free, gave joy to our loved ones and even a smallhappiness for your neighbors and loved ones.

Then they returned to their table (it was just approaching 24 o’clock), drank to the New Year, made wishes, each in their own way, and then danced, played forfeits or something else. And we also liked to go to the hill with this big group and make noise there, have fun, and wish those passing by a Happy New Year. They also dressed up again in masks and costumes and went to congratulate their grandparents and parents. They were very happy about this, in winter there was no dirt, they came in with shoes on. They wished happiness and health to the old people, which was what they lacked. For them it was like a breath of fun in a noisy and tipsy company.

This is how New Year's Eve passed, then they went home in the morning, went to bed tired, but full of happiness, for giving people happiness and joy.


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