How can I get along with my stepfather?

How can I get along with my stepfather?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t remember my own dad at all; he passed away when I was two years old, and my stepfather raised me. While I was younger, I somehow didn’t notice that he treated me badly. Everything seemed to be fine, but now he constantly finds fault with me for any reason, sometimes over a trifle. He starts screaming, calling him names, and it’s simply impossible for me to be at home with him. Okay, at me, otherwise he also yells at my younger sister, by the way, his owndaughter and I have to protect her too. In all these years, I have never been able to call him dad, and he gets angry with me because of this, especially when we have guests.

I tried to complain to my mother, but she was on his side, she said that I should respect him and behave more gently with him, because he replaced my father and supports our family. And lately he’s also been having troubles at work and he comes in the evening angry and starts shouting at us: “Can’t I even rest properly in my house?” And I don’t go out in my own home and have to walk on tiptoe so as not to disturb him while relaxing with a beer in front of the TV. On weekends I try to go to a friend’s house, and if I go to my grandmother’s, I take my little sister, she’s five years old, with me, she constantly disturbs him.

Last weekend I stayed at home and was drinking tea in the kitchen when my stepfather came in. He immediately attacked with reproaches: “I could have at least made sandwiches.” I also did not remain silent and said that I was not going to serve him, maybe I could do it myself. He shouted: “shut up” and swung at me, I, of course, got scared, screamed and ran out into the corridor. She came running to the screamMom , I started saying that he wanted to hit me, but my stepfather denied everything, and my mother believed him. But he still shouted that he would not live in a house where they treated him like that. He got dressed, slammed the doors and left.

He hasn’t come home for a whole week, my mother blames me for everything, doesn’t talk to me, I don’t know what to do next. I can go live with my grandmother, but my mother pays for my education, and, as she said, she won’t be able to do this alone, without her stepfather. I know that he is calling his mother, but he is in no hurry to go home, probably waiting for me to come and apologize. I can do this for my mother’s sake, but then he will treat me even worse, because I myself admit my guilt.

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