How hard it is to be a happy woman

How hard it is to be a happy woman
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Ever since kindergarten, I knew that I was not one of those lucky women who were lucky to be “beautiful” from birth. For as long as I can remember, I have always known this.

And not even from children, who, as you know, are very cruel creatures, and who didn’t call me anything other than “fat trust” and “toad”, but from compassionate aunts-grandmothers, who ruefully nodded their heads wise in life and pitied me in a voice, ugly.

I am very lucky with the school. Despite all my appearance, I did not become the subject of ridicule and harassment. Until adolescence, I was quite satisfied with the role of a nerd at the first desk, whose weekly absence due to illness, no one, except for a couple of the same girlfriends and the class teacher, did not notice.

And in high school, intuition prompted me to choose a “male” math class and I avoided the horrors that beauties from the humanities class, where there were an overwhelming majority of girls, arranged for the “gray mice”.

Even now, having become an adult intelligent woman, I cannot understand how in female nature coexists contempt for "lustful males" and the desire to please them at any cost. Any. Even if for this you have to trample others into the mud, step over your own pride, go over the heads and through the beds of the “best friends” guys to feel your “need and popularity” ... But thisconfession is not about that.

At the university, it gradually began to dawn on me that everything would not work out by itself. That you need to work on yourself, develop those qualities that do not depend on the whims of nature and work with what is.

Since I again studied in a male team, it was a little easier for me to get out from under my complexes, overcome laziness and decide to change my life. Because there were few "sympathetic friends" around. I knew that I could only rely on myself. And feeling sorry for yourself is pointless.

The hardest thing was to give up the fried potatoes and chops, which I loved very much. Rigiddiet , swimming pool and daily walks from the metro station to the house in six months allowed me to consider myself a little plump girl. A year later, my wardrobe was completely updated.

They stopped looking at me sympathetically. In the eyes of classmates, there was a slight interest in my personality, which even I had not seen in myself through a layer of fat before.

I will not bore you with descriptions of cosmetic masks and techniques for applying the right low-key makeup - google it, everything is on the Internet. Just don't fall for miracle pills. They don't exist.

I want to say that I have to work on myself always. Every day . Year after year. But on the other hand, this allows me to change my life, to make it such that I could only dream of before.

While I was a gray mouse, I had a lot of free time from dates and intrigues, which I spent with benefit: I read a lot, finished courses in English and flash animation. Therefore, after university I found a job almost immediately. They pay me well and I enjoy going to work.

When talking to men, I no longer get blotchy or sweaty. And I never had the habit of dumping the contents of the neckline on the table to attract attention to myself.

Therefore, my opinion is considered. They smile at me and consider me a valuable specialist. I am considered pretty. I became one after going through a very long and difficult journey.

Six months ago, I fell in love for the first time. Probably, she was finally able to relax a little and feel like a woman. The feeling was mutual and I recently moved in with him.

We work together, make plans and feel happy. But this does not mean at all that I started eating my favorite potatoes and stopped taking care of my skin.

I didn't write this confession just to brag. Maybe it will be at least a little useful to those unfortunate girls who feel like ugly ducklings and have already resigned themselves, folded their paws and are waiting for a lonely old age.

Fight for yourself! You and I have to gnaw out with our teeth what is given to many from birth, but we can also be happy. We can and must. At least in spite of the long-legged empty-headed "girlfriends" and those compassionate kluchs who pity you so actively.

Fight for your happiness girls. And start right from tomorrow morning.

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